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YOURSAY | No where near '90pct score' for ministers in flood disaster

YOURSAY | ‘They make use of this to get photo ops so that they are seen to care.’

Santiago: PM's visit to Klang in 'bad faith'

OCT: Keluarga Malaysia preached by Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob is a hollow statement. His surprise visit without informing the Klang lawmaker is an affront to the good ethics of a PM.

Just because the MP is from the opposition party doesn't mean the PM can ignore him. This is bad faith, bad courtesy and disrespect for all, irrespective of party membership.

This is the same attitude and arrogance displayed by Ismail Sabri when he was the senior minister for the Covid-19 crisis management where he made a mess for all his standard operating procedures (SOPs) and movement control order (MCO) rules.

Ismail Sabri is not of statesmanship calibre. He has no empathy for the suffering of others.

Very Concerned Citizen: Klang MP Charles Santiago, do not worry about this backdoor PM because he is only interested in his Keluarga Malaysia. He was there to take some photos only so it can appear in the media that he is seen “helping” the flood victims.

You keep up the good work you are doing and try to get help from some NGOs, many of whom are willing to offer their assistance.

GreenBear2835: PM needs a good media consultant to help him with his wayang (show). Everyone of note is pictured standing in floodwater, including the king, opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and Santiago.

Snowman: Just because the PM's sudden visit to your area came uninformed, it's considered as bad faith? You have your own constituents to worry about while the PM has the entire nation’s.

Klang is under a Pakatan Harapan state and if you had kept the state government updated, the state government will liaise with the federal government.

I am not a fan of BN/Perikatan Nasional, but I sometimes weep at the quality of statements from the Harapan politicians, especially the ill-timed ones.

Donttokkok: I don't hope and expect much from this PM; he has shown his capability when he was in charge of the Covid-19 SOP and MCO.

He failed big time so don't expect he will do better now.

The Truth Is Out There: All these visits to the flooded areas won't ever make the water recede faster, or prevent floods in future.

Kuala Lumpur is no better off today (in terms of floods), compared to 1971, exactly 50 years ago, when the great floods of KL occurred.

I guess, similar to all the other floods in the past 50 years, the urgency of the issue will just fade away with the receding water, and as usual, there will be no solid action on flood mitigation plans.

Minister concurs after Najib pans him for 'launching ceremony' to help flood victims

OCT: This shows how ill-prepared the minister is. For want of publicity, Youth and Sports Minister Ahmad Faizal Azumu had to launch a volunteer event without knowing that time is of the essence when it comes to providing assistance in a disaster.

The whole country has been affected by floods, which is not new in Malaysia. The rakyat have the impression that the government is always prepared. However, the government has been caught off guard. Now they are scrambling for resources, assets and logistics to help the unfortunate people.

Thousands have been relocated, vehicles abandoned, furniture damaged and stocks spoilt. The National Disaster Management Agency seems to be sleeping.

In the end, nobody is responsible or accountable for the mess. It’s business as usual.

Iphonezours: Indeed, in such a situation, we need to get all hands on deck, minus the bureaucracy and pomp. This minister’s launch event was totally unnecessary and it just shows how out of touch this minister is.

Monkey Justice: There are volunteers out there who sprang into action providing food and assistance without any launching of such events. When is this government going to set its priorities right?

I don't think these politicians will ever know the suffering of the people and it's very obvious they don't care. These are the 90 percent score card material?

OrangeKancil6903: People are in distress and dire straits, and you launch an official event to assist the flood victims with pomp and splendour when time is of the essence.

It truly shows the great lack of intelligence the minister has.

PinkCougar9549: It's like an SPM student given STPM questions to answer. For sure, he can't answer but he insists on taking the exam.

The country will go kaput when we choose such a person to be a minister just because he is obedient to the prime minister.

2 Cents: Faizal and his ministry may appear stupid with all this fanfare but at least he is around when disaster hits.

Unlike someone who was happily shopping and golfing in Hawaii when disaster hit in December 2014 and came back only after days of public criticisms, by taking a commercial flight to Hong Kong while the government jet was left behind for someone else's use as she apparently continued with her shopping spree in a few other cities.

Coward: This government never learns. First, we had a billboard erected to welcome the PM to the flood area in Kedah several months back, now we have this launching ceremony.

It just sums up the current government standard - hot air only because that diverts attention. They are worse than incompetent.

Vijay 47: Of course, every event by Umno and similar cheapskates must have a major song-and-dance to herald their humble silent service to humankind.

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