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YOURSAY | Muda, don’t listen to Dr M - fight for all M’sians

YOURSAY | ‘I hope Muda can create a M’sia for all regardless of race, religion.’

High Court orders Home Ministry to register Muda in 14 days

Syed Saddiq: Muda here to serve all Malaysians, young and old

Anon25: Congratulations to Malaysian United Democratic Alliance (Muda) co-founder Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman on the High Court’s decision to allow the group to register as a political party within two weeks.

With the addition of new young voters, Muda will be a formidable force in the 15th general election (GE15). You still have time to set up your office-bearers. Make sure it is a multiracial party. That is the way of the future.

Syed Saddiq, all the existing parties will be inviting you to join them. They will be afraid that the idealistic youth can turn the tables against them.

Dying Pejuang will also try to toss out a lasso for you. You may feel obligated to your former mentor Dr Mahathir Mohamad as it was he who got you into politics and made you a minister.

Sure, be respectful to him by all means. But explain to him that this is politics. In politics, you must play to win and rule. That should be the aim. That is possible.

There is no place for any coalition with Pejuang. You must stay multiracial. The only parties you can collaborate with today are those in Pakatan Harapan, not Warisan. Mahathir's carrot to its president Shafee Apdal on the PM's post has gone to his head. There is no way Sabahans can contest and win in the peninsula.

Avoid Pejuang, Mahathir and his son, Mukhriz. They and their concepts are outdated. I am doubtful if he or his son will win even their own seats if they contest.

Let your battle song be 'The Impossible Dream' sung in Malay by a youth with a Jim Reeves voice.

Merdeka Merdeka Merdeka: Indeed, there are lots of work ahead before the next election. Establish grassroots support nationwide. Identify your leaders and engage the rakyat. Do your magic through social media.

Everyone will now either want to collaborate with you, bermuafakat and form allegiances, etc.

Be very cautious. Muda, you just need to dance with the devil once and you will lose half your support instantaneously. Stay steadfast and focused on your cause.

GoldenKoala3376: Syed Saddiq, a piece of advice - your very first step is important. Doing it right the first time is key.

I hope you can lure all the young diligent leaders regardless of race to join you and move the country towards becoming a Malaysia for all regardless of race and religion.

Challenge all the senior corrupt leaders in GE15. I do believe Undi18 is your tool this time around.

Honestly, I really want to know how you can break through your race to have them forgo what they have been enjoying for the past 50 years or so. I believe it is easier said than done.

Anyway, I wish you all the best and really hope you can deliver to Malaysia what has been deemed impossible - a Malaysia for all regardless of race and religion. Good luck.

Fair Minded Senior Citizen: Congrats, Muda. You are the anticipated beacon in this darkness that is enveloping Malaysia.

Go about fearlessly and tread without mercy on corruption and encourage merit. Keep your committees small but with vigour and farsightedness. Throw away old wood and with it, ancient practices, but keep the wisdom of our forefathers.

Keep the home a blessed place and not a sanctuary for spent politicians. I wish you every success.

Dr Suresh Kumar: Yes, Muda with young blood may offer us a little light at the end of the tunnel.

However, let me caution you to not allow some of the dangerous and venomous racist, corrupted and uneducated politicians to pull the wool over your eyes.

Strictly say no to them. Don't even think of going anywhere near them. Spell out to the people your mission and vision for the country.

Most importantly, do not associate yourself with toxic people like controversial preacher Zakir Naik. I hope you can express regret for your action in meeting him.

Treat all Malaysians with respect and dignity.

PurpleCat9452: What can Muda do to improve living in Malaysia in the next five years from 2022 if you are given the national budget of RM332 billion as approved in Parliament recently? You should challenge all PM wannabes to live debates on TV to answer this question.

Forget about forming political alliances with parties still living in the past. Muda will never get enough seat allocation from these warlords.

Capitalise on Undi18 to win as many seats as possible. Join a coalition government after the election to implement your plans. This way, you would not be called a frog.

OrangePanther1466: Congratulations Syed Saddiq and the pro-tem Muda leadership. I can't wait to contribute to your fund-raising efforts. I hope Muda can make a significant difference in the political landscape of our country.

The High Court should have cited the home minister for abuse of powers as there was no reason to deny registration to Muda which obviously fulfilled all criteria.

In fact, it is incumbent upon the ministry to guide any registrant of political parties to ensure all criteria are met. They are, after all, civil servants paid to serve the public, not their political masters.

BusinessFirst: How curious, all this time when Muda's registration was refused, I do not recall a reason being given.

It just shows how politicised the Home Ministry is. Also, probably how worried they are about "young blood".

GreenBear3468: Finally. I'm so sick of old people hogging the political scene.

Young people have so much to offer in building a better Malaysia. They're not people who should be sidelined into an insignificant post like the Youth and Sports Ministry.

Young people contribute in our army, schools, hospitals, courts, the private sector, etc. They have loved ones to care for, household responsibilities, debt to pay, dreams to fulfil. They're not children who care only about sports facilities and whatnot.

So, they should have every right to decide how this country is run.

GreenDeer1223: The fact that the old, young, people of different races and religions are happy that Muda succeeded in this court case and will be contesting in the next election shows how desperate the rakyat are for real change.

Please, remind your party leaders to always remember what your party stands for. Be firm and committed at all times.

We are counting on the young leaders to bring about real change. Do not disappoint us.

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