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YOURSAY | Minister would've been 'fish out of water' at COP26

YOURSAY | 'What knowledge does he have about climate change?'

Tuan Ibrahim questioned for skipping UN climate change conference

Doc: Climate change is the most important threat humanity is facing in this generation. No nation is spared from the increasing natural disasters we see globally as a result of an increase in CO2 emissions since the industrial age.

This 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) meeting is perhaps the last opportunity for global leaders, thinkers, industrialists, scientists, climatologists and climate activists to work out a deal to save humanity and the planet.

So where does PAS, this government and Environment and Water Minister Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man fit in the scheme of things when the world faces such an existential threat?

He is a jaguh kampung (village champion) at best, who only knows the language of racism, blames others for PAS’ incompetence, and spews nonsense that only works on certain segments of the country’s population.

Tuan Ibrahim knows that when he is put into a pool of well-informed global leaders and intellectuals, he will be like a fish out of water. He may end up looking and sounding like a buffoon.

While many educated individuals talk about an increase in natural disasters in the last decade due to climate change caused by global warming, PAS leaders would call this an act of God. Their advice is probably to accept it, pray and vote for PAS.

BobbyO: It’s good that Tuan Ibrahim did not go as it would have cost hundreds of thousands to the taxpayers. He would have taken with him his officers, advisors, and may even have some family members in tow.

After all, what would he know about climate change? And how could he handle the foreign press? They would ask all sorts of questions. Especially coming to the Timah issue, he might get ‘confused’.

By him not going, we have saved the humiliation the nation would have had to endure.

OCT: Indeed, it is good that he didn't go as Malaysia can save some money for the non-attendance by his entourage.

When you have a minister who is not selected by meritocracy and intelligence but based on his support for the prime minister, this is expected as he wouldn’t know nuts about his portfolio.

How many cabinet ministers have the proper credentials and can actually do their job? This minister is just good at creating problems for non-Muslim businesses.

MA: Yes, it would be such an embarrassment. When presidents and world leaders are headed to Glasgow for COP26, here we face stupid, insipid thinking and empty rhetoric from our politicians.

Pope Francis in the Vatican's Deepavali message to Hindus referred to the divisive nature of “hyper-nationalism”. I cannot agree more. It is happening right in front of our eyes.

Vent: Come on, folks. Give him a break! Would a Timah-thrashing self-righteous leader step foot in Glasgow, Scotland, the land of whiskey drinkers? Wouldn't that be the height of 'haramity'?

Coward: @Vent, I think the reason is more mundane and down to earth and lies in the way village politicians think.

Actually, I think the main reason is PAS is having its own election. His own survival, or that of his faction, is at stake. He demonstrated time and again his private interest trumps the country. Do you expect this time to be different?

PW Cheng: What knowledge does he have about climate change and about the English language to attend an event such as COP26?

The only knowledge he has is about Fatimah, the daughter of the prophet. He also doesn’t know that the meaning of Timah means tin ore in English, or scientifically, it’s called cassiterite or tinstone (SnO2).

But to him, ‘timah’ means Fatimah. We have a multitude of clowns in this country.

Dr Suresh Kumar: Even if the minister had gone there, I doubt he knows much about global warming. All he would have done is ‘chair warming’.

Tuan Ibrahim probably would not even understand what is going on as the meeting will be conducted in English. Of course, he can opt for translation service and speak in Bahasa Malaysia.

But then again, he must have good knowledge about the subject matter, otherwise it would bikin malu saja (cause shame).

Just look at the calibre of our ministers and compare them to the ministers in Singapore.

MPJY: Whether one can speak English or not is not the point. As a minister, one can always bring along someone who knows the language well and help with translation.

It is the total lack of political leadership which is the issue. I think in this case, the minister in question cannot even represent we Malaysians in Malaysia, let alone represent Malaysians on a world stage.

We hope this is not going to cost us in the long run.

RedHornet8282: You guys are not giving credit where credit is due.

Instead of attending COP26, our venerable minister for environment and water will soon provide his input into the key ingredients that went into producing such a fine local whiskey called Timah - sorry, formerly known as Timah.

After all, the biggest contributors to the quality of good whiskey are soil, water, cask and climate. Don't you guys realise this is all directly connected to the environment and water? This is right up the alley of our one and only Tuan Ibrahim.

Way to go YB. Hats off to you.

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