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YOURSAY | Why is rape considered a joke by some men?

YOURSAY | ‘Sadly, the local culture ‘permits’ such sexual remarks as bantering.’

Actor slammed for allegedly making jokes about rape

Mahishasura Mardhini: “Mistakes” like rape jokes should not happen, especially not from an adult.

As an adult and an actor (who may have a big following), Mohd Fauzi Mohd Nawawi must be responsible for what he utters. He cannot say whatever he likes, then claim ignorance and ask for forgiveness.

Does he not have female family members? Did he not even consider how they would feel about his "joke"?

And why is "rape" even considered a joke by some men? This is just unbelievable.

Sadly, the local culture "permits" such sexual remarks as bantering... hence, high school student Ain Husniza Saiful Nizam's case where she was vilified by her own community for reporting a teacher who made a joke about rape in class because it was only a "joke”.

About the actor not realising it, I cannot agree. Anyone who is not living under a rock knows Ain's case and should have learnt that rape is not a joke unless he himself still thinks (and I am sure many still do) that it is indeed a joke.

What on earth was the producer doing? Or was this conversation all pre-planned? That would be even worse.

Eye In The Sky 2021: Fauzi, think whenever you open your mouth in future. You are an adult and mentioning about nafsu (lust) even in a make-believe rape movie scene should have never even crossed your mind.

Rape is not a joke. What you say is from the subconscious part of your mind. His is a disgraced sick mind.

King Kong: I don’t think he realised there was anything wrong with what he said. I don’t think he is condoning rape, but the local nuance allowed such banter as a joke.

Or he subconsciously thinks that rape is always "two ways", where the affected party is asking for it.

The Analyser: Rape is a fact, it happens. And the more it’s talked about the better, so that women can learn about situations where it is most likely to occur. Suppress discussion on the topic and you suppress the understanding and awareness of rape situations.

As a society, you might well look at the role of parents and religion in idolising the young male, deluding him to think he is somehow superior.

And never acknowledge his own role in this stuffed-up society. Better to target and blame someone else. Then sweep the issue under the carpet, until his next opportunity to demonstrate his righteous outrage.

Fair Malaysian: I just cannot believe what these stupid people on the show said. Simply mind-blowing and the sarcastic laughing sent chills through my spine.

MA: PAS and the holiest of the holies talk about turning Malaysia into a religious state and this is the result. You condemn Western cultures and other faiths but we seem to be worse off.

Where is the dignity of the human person here? Shame on all of you who teach bigotry but have no love for the human person.

DalvinK: De facto Religious Affairs Minister Idris Ahmad, here's a strong candidate for you to provide counselling. Do it now, and show that you mean business.

Pandelela reveals ex-coach who liked 'lewd jokes' ended in rape case

VioletKite5133: Only Khairy Jamaluddin is worthy of being a minister as can be judged through his response to national diver Pandelela Rinong’s revelation that a former coach had made lewd jokes and seven years later, committed rape.

Other current leaders in Perikatan Nasional or BN do not know how to right what's wrong. They cannot differentiate good from evil.

They talk religion all day long but turn a blind eye to innocent victims who are abused and harassed. They are swift to act to interfere with the affairs of the non-Malays, be it what they do or what they eat or drink.

In Hollywood, men who make any such despicable jokes are banned from any future work. We shall see if Malaysia discourages such indecent behaviour. But don't hold your breath.

LimeSinga1592: While I admire Pandelela's abilities, it's easy to make distorted generalisations here.

Those who make lewd jokes are not necessarily rapists or molesters or will become one. Those who rape or molest do not necessarily make lewd jokes.

However, those who make lewd jokes should stop doing so. It's downright disrespectful.

Newday: @LimeSinga1592, there is nothing general about what Pandelela said. Zero tolerance is required.

Stand For Truth: Those who joke about it, fantasise about it. Eventually, they will act out their joke at the first opportunity. This is not a laughing matter.

Mortal Thoughts: I am so proud of these brave women for speaking up. They are the true leaders who can and will make a better future for us all, and our world safer for our daughters and granddaughters.

Just A Malaysian: When we lose our humanity and replace it with symbolism like dressing or food, when we build many huge places of worship and expect purity to emerge, and when we indoctrinate rather than educate, we produce unbalanced characters.

When we bully others, we lose a bit of ourselves. Nobody gains in this “I am better and holier than you” game.

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