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YOURSAY | ‘The latest trend seems to be turning on the waterworks.’

Rosmah in tears during corruption trial

Just a Voice: You need to prove your innocence, Rosmah Mansor, not cry in court. But I guess many of your husband’s fan club will believe you, but you still need a stronger case than this.

If my children come to me and give me the kind of silly comparisons like what you’re giving about selective persecution, I will tell them not to compare.

The responsibility is on you to prove that you have not committed wrongdoing, not compare with others or talk about seeming unfairness, even if it’s painful, and there is no point getting emotional about it.

For example, if a child was accused and suspected of stealing the neighbour’s football, the child then complains to the father, “Why are you finding fault with me, what about all the other children in the country who have stolen, this is selective treatment. Waaa waaa waaa…”

Granted, it’s an exaggeration on my part, but it’s weird, isn’t it? If that’s the case for children, then why should we accept such nonsense from an adult, and one from a position of authority? All the more you need to be answerable and not give these silly excuses. It’s downright lame.

If you are innocent, prove it. After that, you can talk about the other stuff.

Sphzxcv: Indeed, yours is not to ask why others are not charged. This court case is about you, Rosmah.

So don’t go crying crocodile tears to gain sympathy. You will get none from the rakyat. When your husband was in power, your alleged greed and arrogance was despicable.

CitizenSaro: Rosmah, you had the power and influence to establish the First Lady of Malaysia (FLOM) division in the Prime Minister’s Department. No other previous PM’s wife had set up such an office.

What was the need? Why was it part of the PM’s department? Why was it so heavily staffed? How do you expect anyone to believe that you have no influence on the PM’s Office?

If you did not feel the need to exert any influence, why did you even set up an office in PM’s department? I am sure you had adequate space for a personal office and a secretary at the official residence. It could have saved a lot of taxpayers’ money.

MarioT: Sorry, Rosmah. Sobbing does not diminish or mitigate the charges you are facing. Your lavish lifestyle bears testimony to the massive wealth you have allegedly accumulated while your husband was the PM.

Knucklehead: I have to agree with Rosmah, it was “selective” because many of her cases are hard to prove in court without proper documents and witnesses.

So, you go for the low-hanging fruits first, and others will follow.

After bringing down Malacca govt, Umno man turns on the waterworks

VioletZebra1195: Crocodile tears. Why didn’t Pantai Kundor assemblyperson Nor Azman Hassan voice out about the massive environmental destruction of the land reclamation project beforehand?

Despite the public protest, the state government bulldozed it through. Why didn’t you say anything then?

And you will only expose the evidence if you become Malacca chief minister? What a joke! Just go make a report with the MACC and other relevant authorities.

Tholkappian: “We did this for you. There is no self-interest involved.”

My, my, my. Nor Azman, do you realise that you have helped Sulaiman Md Ali’s state government to collapse for the very reason you are denying now, i.e. for the very obvious and glaring reason of self-interest.

You have just inadvertently admitted your unbridled desire and greed to be the next CM of Malacca.

How else would anyone infer your stupid statement that you did it for the Malaccans but will only deliver the evidence of the impropriety in the Malacca Waterfront Economic Zone if you are chosen as the CM?

This is not helping the people. This is blackmailing them. When are you politicians going to be honest and sincerely keep the interest of the people at heart?

GrayGoose8208: For Nor Azman to say that he will expose everything if he becomes chief minister is a clear sign that he only has his own interest in mind. To say otherwise is a reflection of how deluded he is.

Umno must go next. It’s time to return the government to Pakatan Harapan to restore some confidence in our government again.

By the way, if I become the PM, I too will expose all the bad deeds committed by all politicians from both sides. Wonder if I will be appointed PM anytime soon?

BlackPony3637: I will only have the integrity and honesty of a decent human being to report wrongdoing if I am elected as the chief minister. If not, I cannot report wrongdoing.

Fantastic logic. What a decent actor! You just need a better scriptwriter. You’ve inadvertently revealed your flawed integrity as a human being.

Moonsha: “Nor Azman also express unhappiness that when he was hospitalised for Covid-19 recently, the state government did not offer moral support.”

I think your assemblyperson salary is enough for you and your family to survive. There are many more poor people around who deserve moral support instead.

Fed Up Bodoh Sombong: Instead of Bossku, the latest trend seems to be turning on the waterworks.

Started by Rosmah and now by this MB hopeful, this is the consequence of the Sheraton move, where minority parties come together with frogs and even opposition parties to form a government so that they can grab lucrative posts for themselves.

What’s there to cry about?

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