It all began with Malaysiakini's Sept 23, 2006 news report 'Study: 30% bumi equity target exceeded'. What follows is a heated national debate on the 35-year-old New Economic Policy - the lynchpin of Barisan Nasional's political platform.
Sept 23, 2006
Study: 30% bumi equity target exceeded
Sept 27
Reveal bumi equity calculations, govt told
Bumi equity: Prof disputes study
Sept 28
Asli responds to comments on bumi equity study
18.9% or 45%, poor Malays will remain poor
Sept 29
Prof vs Asli: Shamsul clarifies
Oct 2
Oct 7
Awang Adek questions Asli study
Oct 9
Umno veep: Asli's study will 'confuse' Malays
Oct 10
Halting aid to Malays courts chaos: Dr M
Oct 11
Lim quits over Asli's report retraction
Was Asli pressured to back down?
NEP - more transparency please
Oct 12
Gov't tries to end racial debate, warning of tensions
Gov't cannot tolerate dissent: Gerakan leader
Mirzan not qualified to debunk equity study
Racialising research: The Asli report debacle
Oct 13
Asli row: Govt leaders acting like Nazis
Dr Toh, Shahrir - a few good gentlemen
Better if EPU gives more rationales: academic
Oct 14
Asli debacle: Najib's gag order smells fishy
Asli row: The people are the losers
Academic: NEP not hostile to foreign interests
Most Indians marginalised since pre-independence
Oct 16
PM issues stern warning, don't stir trouble
Of political dwarfs and intellectual giants
NEP issue: BN politicians doing the spin
Newspaper ads back Lim's courage
Make bumi shares like Malay reserve land
Oct 20
Equity: Umnoputera vs bumiputera?
60-40 formula for civil service proposed
Nov 1
Bumi equity hit NEP target 10 years ago
Nov 2
Reveal bumi equity methodology
Bumi, non-bumi firms equally hit by crisis
Nov 3
NEP equity methodology: Let's have it now
Nov 6
Stop disputing bumi equity methodology
Nov 7
Gov't: Bumi share ownership at 36.6%
Some details of NEP equity methodology unveiled
Nov 8
Gov't pressed to discontinue NEP
What about Indian share of corporate equity?
Nov 9
Bumi equity: Lim 'not really' vindicated
'Scrap the NEP' pressures continue to mount
Nov 10
Financial giant: Need to fine-tune NEP
Nov 13
Bumi equity: Gov't retracts 36.6% figure
NEP to stay until national unity is achieved
Gov't appears to cook NEP figures
Nov 14
Bumi equity: Explanation yes, punishment no
Gov't methodology can improve: Ku Li
The gravy train called Crony Express
Nov 15
Did the World Bank endorse NEP methodology?
Who's right - Finance Ministry or EPU?
MCA Youth rejects extension of NEP
Nov 16
PM: We'll continue to pursue NEP objectives
Nov 20
NEP an Umno gimmick to rob Malays: Anwar
Najib: NEP not a boon for the elite
Nov 29
Why par value measurement is flawed
Equity calculations: Set up expert panel
World Bank: We're not involved
Nov 30
World Bank denies, Awang Adek 'forgets'
Jan 5, 2007
NEP - It's not about percentages
The equity problem will just not vanish
Meaningless controversy over Asli study
A truth commission by omission?
The young boy and the old lady
Flaws in EPU's apparent methodology
Flaws in EPU apparent methodology (Part 2)
Further flaws in EPU methodology (Part 3)
NEP: Time for a change of mindset
Charting a course though rough waters
Below are a selection of letters from malaysiakini readers.