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YOURSAY | Going after imagined demons while real criminals roam free

YOURSAY | ‘The police must enforce the law but N Ganesparan is merely the tip of the iceberg.’

Snubbed by Interpol, police to re-apply for red notice on M'sian in Germany

Malaysia Bharu: The police must enforce the law but N Ganesparan is merely the tip of the iceberg. There are just too many unresolved felonies and the priorities must be set right if we are to be respected as a law-abiding nation.

Go after the real criminals, not the whistleblowers. Like the 1MDB fugitives who are living a king’s life inside and outside the country, the billion-ringgit scam and gaming syndicates fleecing innocent Malaysians, corruption in the police force and unresolved deaths in police custody, those that sow discord and disunity among Malaysians through hate speeches and racial and religious extremism, the huge number of traffic violations and unpaid summons, the list goes on.

Malaysians deserve an efficient, accountable and colour-blind police force that enforces the law fairly and judiciously.

Go for those that commit the crimes, not those that point it out. Those that point it out may be harsh, but that is because no action is taken against the real culprits.

WhiteMoose0037: Have the police got nothing better to do than going after an ignorant idiot in Germany? No right-thinking Malaysian will take what he said seriously. He just wanted to bait a reaction.

All the same, you can’t even solve the Indira Gandhi case by apprehending her ex-husband and bringing her daughter back to her as instructed by the High Court.

The same with Zakir Naik, he should be shipped to India as he is wanted by authorities there. Why the double standard?

Poppy: What do you think the foreign embassies and their officers are doing in this nation? Do you think they’re just setting up visa and passport sections?

They send reports back to their countries of all the activities that are happening in this nation. Do you think you can hide your racial and religious activities from the world?

So, PDRM, stop wasting valuable money and time, especially at a time like this.

Build back the reputation that is sorely missing. Back in the 60s, 70s, and 80s, the police were one of the pillars of this nation that was highly respected and feared. Today, people are talking of “my boy”.

Raja Chulan: There cannot be two different sets of rules, one for Ganesparan and another one for Zakir Naik, who resides in his safe haven in Malaysia.

Malaysia needs to be consistent in respecting international laws and norms, including not discriminating against any of its own citizens based on race and religion.

The international community and agencies such as the United Nations and Interpol (International Criminal Police Organisation) know very well what Malaysia practices when race and religion are concerned.

Malaysia should look into the many injustices here before asking for any help from international agencies.

PKC: Such double standards. Zakir Naik, despite being a wanted fugitive, is still living happily here and is protected by the government. And we expect Interpol to act on this?

What happened to Jho Low and his gang from 1MDB, etc? In Bolehland, we have two sets of laws, one for the untouchable VVIPs and the other for the normal rakyat like you and me.

If a VVIP were to break the law, the police would open an investigation paper and pass it to the attorney-general (AG) for “further instructions” and play ping pong.

Meanwhile, the normal rakyat would be summoned immediately or hauled to court for further action.

Kepala Tak Centre: If Malaysia wants other countries to respect the Interpol notice, please send back an alleged Indian terrorist sympathiser from Mumbai who is hiding in Malaysia.

If Ganesparan supposedly insulted Islam, the Malays and the rulers, then the same goes for this particular preacher from Mumbai, India.

Citizen101: This was not as bad as the time we requested a red notice for the publisher of Sarawak Report. It turned out that what was published was all true!

Vijay47: "Interpol is strictly forbidden from undertaking any intervention or activities of a political, military, religious or racial character in issuing a red notice to individuals wanted by a country's authorities."

So keep applying and hope for different results? Only in Malaysia, folks. Only in Malaysia.

If the police were recognised as agencies worthy of respect and admiration, our sentiments could have been otherwise.

But the police can only dream of it and have nightmares as long as they continue their silent performance in respect of Indira’s child, that child-kidnapper, Jho Low, and the daylight abduction victims.

To add spice to the dish, there is also the matter of Zakir Naik and that Vinod Abdullah, heroes living and enjoying life to the hilt in Malaysia.

Maybe the police would jump into action only if these two gentlemen moved to Frankfurt.

Redmann: Admittedly, freedom of speech has limitations. But did this man’s alleged insults and seditious statements actually incite racial strife or cause disaffection between the races? No.

Was the AG consulted by the police prior to contacting Interpol as to whether the relevant laws apply to bring this man to justice? Obviously not.

Jho Low is still at large, and the harm and hurt caused by him is vastly greater. And yet, the government wants to waste the nation’s money going after someone over a rant.

Watchdog: How about getting Interpol help to find Indira Gandhi’s ex-husband and bring back her daughter?

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