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YOURSAY | Malaysiakini lives to fight another day

YOURSAY | ‘What is wrong in amplifying the voice of the downtrodden who cried for help?’

Federal Court orders Mkini to pay RM550k in mining company defamation suit

Dr Raman Letchumanan: Now that the majority and minority judgments are available, I strongly suggest everyone read them.

We based our views on public interest, emotions and common sense, but the decisions at the appellate courts are based purely on written law and case decisions. Unfortunately, interpretations can vary or diametrically oppose as in this case with a 3-2 majority.

This case is between two private parties, unlike the earlier Malaysiakini contempt of court case. We should be guarded in what we say, and not get Malaysiakini or ourselves into further trouble.

Malaysiakini, be brave, don't be disheartened. Public opinion is on your side. It seems only Malaysiakini is being targeted among all the media. That speaks for itself. You are doing the right thing, speaking truth to power.

The mining companies rape our natural heritage and leave the people ravaged. You have exposed many such cases recently. What is wrong in amplifying the voice of the downtrodden who cried out for help?

I support the decision to go for a donation drive and show that the people are with you. It is worth more than anything to keep Malaysiakini going as strong as ever. It’s the only news outlet that is at the forefront of brave reporting without fear or favour on behalf of the downtrodden rakyat.

This is not a shame, but an acknowledgement that you are a force to be reckoned with.

Malaysia Bharu: @Dr Raman Letchumanan, my fear is crowdfunding may give a wrong perception and tempt some abusive entity to take potshots at Malaysiakini for trying to make some easy money.

More so, Malaysiakini is already being targeted for speaking truth to power.

Anon25: I just read both majority and minority judgments. Not being a lawyer, it took me some time to understand the reasoning behind these judgments.

I am impressed. So much thought has gone into writing these judgments. I now understand how the pleadings could have made a difference.

I hope readers will spend some time reading and enjoying these well-reasoned arguments. Thank you Malaysiakini for publishing both judgments.

Cogito Ergo Sum: This is a nightmare. The law should be there to protect the people, not oppress them. Is reporting on the health and safety of the people now considered defamatory? This is a double blow to journalism and public health and safety.

So, in the future, if there are poisons being dumped into a river, does reporting it constitute defamation?

We have become the nightmare we have feared the most: an Orwellian dystopian future now playing in a news portal near you. It used to be that the truth will set you free. Now, the truth will set you back RM550,000! If we can’t get justice in the only forum left, where can we get it?

Since Malaysiakini won’t open up for crowdfunding, let’s all renew our subscriptions for a year at least.

Despite the hardships faced by the people, many would make a contribution to keep the press alive. Please start the campaign now to let those in power know we are fed up with their oppression.

IndigoJaguar7545: The laws must be reformed. Any foolish politician that does not give the media protection for simply reporting can never ever be called a "reformer".

The law must be extremely clear and fair. How on earth was law reform not passed in 2018 (when the government was under Pakatan Harapan)? Oh, yes, a bunch of useless "moderates" claimed we shouldn't be extreme.

We must be extremely transparent, extremely fair, and extremely understanding when it comes to our media. We will never let them take you, Malaysiakini! Bad laws can go rot in hell.

Maya: It is indeed a difficult and worrying time for press freedom. Whether justice was done or was seen to be done is what bothers everyone. Many of us want to say more but prefer to control our fingers on the keyboard from revealing the thoughts in our minds.

Malaysiakini, you have done your best and will continue the way it should be.

Hang Babeuf: While the law is about right and wrong, the people can still decide for themselves, on their own terms, which of the two opposed opinions, majority and minority, is right and which is wrong.

Law and society, while separate and independent of each other, must still walk together, not in opposite directions, if both are not to fail and collapse.

Be Healthy And Happy: Malaysiakini, start the ball rolling by accepting donations to pay for such an unfair decision. Times are very bad now but I think we still can donate a small token amount to help out.

For me, I have donated all of my monthly wages to help those more unfortunate than me in the last few months. Thank God, we're healthy and still can afford our daily meals.

Vijay47: Malaysiakini editor-in-chief Steven Gan, it is your choice not to ask for public donations, I respect that.

However, the position now is that the public, as seen by the sentiments expressed here by numerous commentators, wish to make some contributions. Some of us may be able to, some of us may not. But let us have the machinery to do so.

As to the court’s decision, I would prefer to exercise caution and not say anything. But I am sure all will agree that Malaysiakini should continue the fight, bitter as it may be.

Editor's Note: We take note of the comments by readers, urging Malaysiakini to accept donations in response to the judgment. We thank our readers for their generosity and support. Nevertheless, we will maintain our decision, as we believe that the most important issue is to ensure all of us get through this pandemic.

For those who wish to donate, we would like to appeal to you to channel the donation to the families who are struggling because of the pandemic. They need more help than Malaysiakini.

The above is a selection of comments posted by Malaysiakini subscribers. Only paying subscribers can post comments. In the past year, Malaysiakinians have posted over 100,000 comments. Join the Malaysiakini community and help set the news agenda. Subscribe now.

These comments are compiled to reflect the views of Malaysiakini subscribers on matters of public interest. Malaysiakini does not intend to represent these views as fact.

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