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YOURSAY | Anwar should’ve known better than to trust Umno

YOURSAY | ‘Will he ever learn anything from all the backstabbing?’

Umno doesn’t need Anwar anymore - Nazri

P_Mammen: With this revelation, Umno leader Nazri Abdul Aziz has revealed what we always thought about him - a sly politician.

What we don’t know is when will Pakatan Harapan leader Anwar Ibrahim realise who his foes and friends in politics are.

For someone who aspires to become the next prime minister, he has shown incredibly poor judgement.

Poppy: Anwar should learn by now that it is alright to remain as an opposition leader if fated to do so.

Be the best opposition politician you can be. Look at our veteran opposition politicians - they are more highly respected and received than all the ruling politicians combined.

What we carry to the grave is our name and reputation. None our riches, bungalows and whatever possessions. They either say there goes a good man or good riddance to bad rubbish.

They will be given false accolades by the ruling administration in the media when he or she passes away. The people are the ones who know the real truth of how filthy, corrupted and untrustworthy he or she was.

Anwar, learn to work with people who agree with your principles on how to lead this nation. Not with traitors like Nazri, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Muhyiddin Yassin or those who are facing serious corruption charges. They will only use you to satisfy their own selfish agenda.

Indeed, Anwar should be wiser. Stop looking at the prime minister’s seat for now but build a solid opposition to go into battle in GE15.

The Perikatan Nasional (PN) administration is also fractured by disagreements among themselves.

Now is the time to strategise, build unity among your partners and go to the ground to reach out to the millions of people who are suffering because of the mistakes made by the PN government.

Vijay47: As has now become traditional, we see an Umno opportunist actually crowing to the world about his skills in cunning and insincerity.

Of course, he hastens to paint such fakery in noble colours of altruism towards his “party’s survival”. As though that meant anything to us. Thus, we are exposed to another page in Umno’s manual, ‘Cheating and Betrayal for Dummies’.

Nazri’s latest revelation reminds us of another gentleman who pirouettes about daintily as though being found guilty of several crimes is a badge of honour.

However, survival of the party is a rather euphemistic objective when the real label should be survival of party leaders, most of whom are destined to residence of considerable duration at Bamboo Riverside Palace.

Needless to say, when that mission of survival has been achieved, we will witness bouts of frenzied slaying of the naïve hand that feeds, leaving the man who would be king wondering where the world went to. Brutus could not have done it better.

Only in Malaysia, folks, only in Malaysia.

A Little Bit Crazy: Nazri, you better watch your own back. I think Umno does not need you either, perhaps sooner than Umno does not need Anwar.

By the way, can we the rakyat request Malaysian politicians from both sides to strictly practise higher political integrity?

These sorts of unprincipled politicians should be thrown out of the arena immediately.

We should amend our Fedral Constitution to prevent party hopping, such as by barring parties or individuals who jumped from contesting in the coming election for at least one term. No more excuses.

I believe the Agong should dissolve Parliament as soon as possible because this current bunch of politicians make the rakyat really sick.

Justice: I just hope and pray that more young, brave, intelligent and open-minded progressive politicians will rise up to lead Malaysia and replace the present political leaders.

All their lives they are just fighting among themselves to grab power in order to rob our country and enrich themselves. Enough is enough.

Léon Moch: Nazri is admitting that he was being insincere and was lying about his intentions, which is no cause for batting an eyelid since most of us expected that anyway.

I am surprised, however, by the finality of his tone in saying that Umno does not need Anwar anymore, as if he does not realise that he does not need Anwar until he needs him.

This is, after all, Malaysian politics, where there are no permanent friends or foes.

IndigoSwan6963: Anwar should stay away from Umno, stick with Harapan, and focus on the fight against Covid-19.

With PKR, DAP and Amanah, Harapan has a good number in Parliament. Umno is now fractured, let them eat humble pie later.

Bersatu, PAS and Umno will continue to drag the country down. Umno is no longer relevant and voters need to wise up and decide what is best for the country.

From now on, Harapan should just focus on the fight against the pandemic and for the country. Forget all others - they may have the majority in Parliament but not the support of Malaysians.

Once bitten, twice shy. Twice bitten, try again. Thrice bitten, never again.

My2cen: Nazri is not our concern. More importantly, will Anwar ever learn anything from all the backstabbing?

He ditched the few good people who are concerned about his and the people’s welfare. Instead, he aligned himself with traitors time and again.

Constitutional Supremacy: The truth is that Umno does not want Anwar to be PM, but is making use of him to bring down PN so that fresh elections are called in the hopes that Umno will emerge as the dominant party.

After the election, Umno may even work with Bersatu again to form a government.

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