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YOURSAY | For Muhyiddin, soon is not possible

YOURSAY | 'His understanding of 'ASAP' is 'as soon as it is safe' for him to reconvene Parliament.'

Agong: Parliament should reconvene as soon as possible

Dr Raman Letchumanan: Here are the five key takeaways from the Yang di-Pertuan Agong’s official statement:

  1. Parliament to meet as soon as possible;
  2. Parliament to debate the emergency ordinances and the National Recovery Plan;
  3. Government to cut bureaucracy and hasten the process of vaccination to achieve herd mentality as early as possible;
  4. Need to have a government that is stable, strong and effective; and
  5. Appreciation expressed to the frontliners and the rakyat (only).

Now Prime Minister Mahiaddin (Muhyiddin) Yassin and your bloated administration, which of the above you don't understand. Please, don't act stupid, yah?

So, in layperson’s terms, this is what it means, in the above order:

  1. Stop all nonsense about studying a hybrid Parliament, achieving herd immunity and that Parliament can only meet in October, after pubs are opened.
  2. The National Recovery Plan is dead in its tracks - yesterday announced, today killed. It has to be debated in Parliament first.
  3. Rollback vaccine and vaccination privatisation and maximise government and private facilities. Oh, prepare the audited financial statements on how the RM5 billion was spent - and the RM600 billion of stimulus programmes - for Parliament security.
  4. The PN executive is weak, unstable and ineffective, even with (or because of) 70 ministers and deputies, and with full pay and perks to boot.
  5. Therefore, no thanks to and no confidence in the PN executive for their 15 months of misrule and poor governance.

I think mass resignations are in order!

Malaysia Bharu: The tables are turned. Instead of the PM advising the king on when Parliament should reconvene, it is the king telling the PM to end the charade and get Parliament functioning.

This is the second time the king is telling Muhyiddin not to blame the emergency to keep Parliament shut. Incredibly, no one has been able to figure out 'what has the vaccinating milestone got to do with reconvening Parliament'.

If Muhyiddin still turns a deaf ear, it is an open affront to the king's direction and the people's wishes.

Just A Malaysian: If you read carefully, the king only expressed his opinion on what is the right thing to do. Muhyiddin may choose to ignore it and still complies with the Constitution. It will be interesting to see how he responds and this may set a historical precedent for our country.

Let's hope common sense prevails and every politician and citizen choses a path that is good for the country, and not for the self. This is the time for all Malaysians to come together.

FlabberPro: The PM will continue to act innocent as if his understanding of "ASAP" is “as soon as it is safe” for him to reconvene Parliament.

His various excuses of why Parliament should remain closed baffles the entire world. Will he then respect our Agong and reconvene Parliament immediately, now that the Agong has expressed himself?

FairPlay: With respect, it’s an open-ended statement with no clear direction and subject to different interpretations. Muhyiddin pre-empted the rulers with his National Recovery Plan, and now they are caught in a bind.

It is the Agong who agreed to the emergency and suspension of Parliament and as such, it is incumbent on Agong to state explicitly when Parliament must be reconvened. Otherwise, it may end up as another never-ending sandiwara (shadow play).

GooseNBanter: Thank you, Your Majesty. However, it would also be greatly appreciated if the PM and his cabinet are given a deadline within which they must reconvene Parliament.

It is highly likely that they may ‘misinterpret’ your conclusion on Parliament reconvening ASAP as being somewhere around GE16 (yes, 16). Or even beyond, most probably.

Cogito Ergo Sum: Yes, who decides when the “soon” is? When herd immunity of 60-70 percent is achieved? Which probably will take another two years at the rate they are going.

Migrant Hero: Is Muhyiddin on the same page with His Majesty in interpreting what “as soon as possible” is?

I think the latest news should make that amply clear to Muhyiddin, as it states that the rulers have said there is no need to extend the emergency beyond Aug 1.

Then, the arrangements for the convening of Parliament should be made right now on a date as close as possible to Aug 1, and not September or October as announced earlier.

If the notice to convene Parliament is made right away by the House speaker, who has been without work for a rather long time, then, I think, it can be convened on Monday, Aug 2.

His Majesty has been very clear and if the emergency ends on Aug 1, then Aug 2 will be the soonest possible.

BlueShark1548: We look forward to the reconvening of Parliament and restoration of our democracy.

Malaysians must ensure compliance with SOPs (standard operating procedures) and observe the MCO (movement control order) and try not to go out until the end of this month to make sure the Covid curve is flattened before August.

Our politicians must make sacrifices for the nation and rakyat. The Palestinian MPs in Israel are able to agree to work with both left and right-wing parties. Why can't our politicians do likewise?

Gaji Buta: So, we finally may get Parliament convening again. However, in the past, have the Parliament sessions achieved anything as far as keeping the government of the day in check?

Also, the speaker, as we all know, also plays hardball with the agenda on issues deemed negative to the government.

In the end, the sessions may be another big letdown, with nothing achieved, especially if the opposition does not come prepared to discuss solutions and only use it as an opportunity to gain back power.

So, in the end, much ado about nothing.

CHiliPadi: I think we really should have capable MPs - the best of the best.

For the warlords and wannabe billionaires, please think of the country. If you really want to be a multimillionaire or billionaire, Parliament is not the place.

It is also not the place to play with religion. Religion is a very personal matter which is taught by parents, not by the state.

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