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Covid-19 positive in UK: M'sian woman and family recount experience
Published:  May 23, 2021 6:41 PM
Updated: 11:20 AM

Rahmah Ghazali and her family, who live in Sheffield, UK, were supposed to receive their Covid-19 vaccinations two weeks ago.

However, on the same week, Rahmah, her husband Hisyam Salleh, and their nine-year-old daughter Sherynn all tested positive for Covid-19 within the span of days.

Rahmah (above), who was formerly a journalist in Malaysia and worked briefly as then-finance minister Lim Guan Eng’s press secretary, took to Facebook to share their experience as low-risk Covid-19 patients in the UK.

Hisyam started feeling unwell on May 8, with symptoms like dizziness, fever and...

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