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YOURSAY | DAP an ‘embodiment of evil’ – can this indoctrination be reversed?

YOURSAY | ‘Syed Saddiq has articulated what has been going on for six decades: the systematic demonisation of the DAP.’

'I thought you were the embodiment of evil' - Syed Saddiq's note to Guan Eng

LimeGoose1712: Regardless who Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman was extending his birthday wishes to, he had highlighted an important issue - many of our kids were all "indoctrinated" one way or another with the mindset of "imaginary enemies" just like Syed Saddiq was.

The truth is, a real devil can come by any skin colour or from any divide. But it's just too convenient to place a tag to categorise a particular group in general to be the same herd of devils because humans are prone to bias and may easily be moved by a sensationalised statement.

Many young Malaysians are fed up with the lies often told by our politicians. They're more well-informed these days, so are most other Malaysians.

Unlike in the past, we no longer have to rely solely on some ‘tuans’, emperors and even "western powers" to tell between right and wrong, good and evil.

And I truly believe that Malaysians are now matured enough to make sound, rational and objective judgements independently instead of throwing emotional accusations.

Yes, we are still going to encounter those who are there to argue just for the sake to win an argument. If they do talk sense, then let's try to talk sense with them.

But if they don't, just walk away and let them be because we have better things to do like improving our national policies to create a more just and equal platform for all, while nurturing the young to become fair-minded Malaysians.

The young ones will one day rise up to lead the country and replace those still living in the past. So, let's put our emphasis on them and just let those old ego freaks wither by the wayside.

Ex-Wfw: To most of us who are in retirement and observing the slow stagnation of this nation, we can only hope that the younger politicians think seriously about the future of this nation.

We have wasted 50 years of this nation resources and talents, and if the present trajectory is not changed, as sure as the evening sun, the nation will not be able to compete within the next decade.

The factors have been discussed all over the place. There is no doubt that natural resources dependency is both dangerous and certainly suicidal. Just look at Venezuela today. Compare it with countries without natural resources: South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore.

Pride often leads us into the quagmire and often we deliberately create it with our short-sighted policies.

By now, the educated younger people should be able to see for themselves what has become of our policy where our natural resources, including talents, have been misplaced.

Of course, those with very obvious talents will be lost to other nations, and wasn't it a joke that our graduates think that it is alright to work as garbage collectors which earn better income elsewhere than as an executive in our country?

I guess, it is time the below-35 think hard and make the change, and bury those who had misled the nation all these years.

Headhunter: That's quite a tribute coming from Muar MP Syed Saddiq.

There's no denying that the DAP has been maligned by BN and PAS over the years without any shred of proof that it is anti-Malay. This is all because the party stood steadfastly on its principle of being anti-corruption and multiracialism.

I hope Syed Saddig learn something from this, stand on his principles and not sell himself to the devil like we've seen in so many of our politicians. Malaysia is in dire need for a strong PM and it may take years before we see it happening. Hopefully, Syed Saddiq can fit that pair of shoes one day.

Cogito Ergo Sum: Syed Saddiq has articulated what has been going on for six decades: the systematic demonisation of the DAP.

Unfortunately, very few will be enlightened on the DAP’s mission to bring about a fair and equitable Malaysia where everyone can have a fair go based on merit. So effective was the propaganda by Umno that any suggestion of cooperation with the DAP will boomerang on itself.

We need more enlightened people among the youth to correct this twisted misconception. And my belated birthday greetings to DAP leader Lim Guan Eng.

OrangePony5652: Syed Saddiq, join DAP now and you have a bright chance of retaining your Muar seat in GE15 or you may end up in political oblivion with your Muda.

That's the reality of Malaysian politics. Malaysians don't accommodate a new party readily. You may take 20 years to reach PKR’s popularity. Do you have the same tenacity as opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and his family?

Just A Malaysian: Syed Saddiq’s admission confirms the general Malay perceptions of Chinese and DAP. The Chinese could do no right in this country no matter how noble the aims were.

Lim and his father plus the party are truly and fully demonised in the eyes of most Malays, educated or otherwise. Thank you, Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Heron: It’s good to think that a bigoted form of Pavlovian-type conditioning on the innocent and naive by racial and religious fundamentalists can be reversed by new knowledge and reasoning.

It may not be easy if there are many who are not receptive to new knowledge and reasoning.

AnotherKomentar: Systemic racism is the real embodiment of evil in any society. Racism instilled in the minds of Malaysians, from cradle to grave, undermine unity and makes nation-building impossible.

The poisoned fruits of racism resulted in a broken society, corruption and a declining economy. This global pandemic reveals how societal cohesion, unity of purpose and strong efficient governance are essential to economic recovery.

The absence of these within nations invariably leads to terminal decline, internal conflicts and even breakups.

Existential Turd: Lim Guan Eng is only one man. What about the rest of the minorities? Do you still think they are the embodiment of evil?

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