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YOURSAY | Covid-19 surge: Musa should stop passing the buck

YOURSAY | 'The fact remains that the root cause of the third wave is due to those traitors who jumped party.'

In open letter, Musa Aman blames 'reckless' Shafie and allies for Covid-19 surge

The Wakandan: Former Sabah chief minister Musa Aman would do better had he just kept quiet instead of writing this open letter, which does not exonerate him at all over the accusation against him. In fact, by writing this open letter, he looks shallow and perhaps a bit foolish.

He was the cause of the defecting assemblypersons, which resulted in the fall of Warisan state government. Faced with that, any chief minister would call for the State Assembly to be dissolved so that the people could once again choose their government.

Now, does Musa really think that the state government would just give in and hand him over the government because of those defecting assemblypersons who were allegedly being bought? To do that would mean then chief minister Shafie Apdal condoned money politics that a state government could be bought by whoever who has the money.

The dissolution of the State Assembly was the right thing to do. The wrong thing was for Musa, who was just acquitted by the court, to entice those assemblypersons to form the state government.

Iphonezours: Indeed, Musa can write and say anything, but the fact remains that the root cause of the third wave is due to those traitors who jumped party and caused instability to the governance.

Any right-minded government of the day, be it at the state or federal level, will certainly dissolve to let the people decide and Shafie did the right thing.

Then, we have the authorities in Sabah who did not follow proper standard operating procedures (SOP) while handling undocumented migrants, thus causing the Covid-19 to spread further. During the election campaign, people did not follow the SOP either, causing the pandemic to spread faster.

And lastly, those who returned to the peninsula were not mandatorily quarantined while those who violated the SOP and the law were not properly reprimanded.

All these happened due to the greed in power and incompetency of the government, resulting in Malaysians having to go through an unnecessary third wave, which is disastrous to our health and livelihood.

Fool On The Hill: Indeed, here’s the chain of events: If Musa had not tried a coup d'etat of a legitimately elected state government, then Shafie wouldn't have had to resort to calling a snap election. There would not have been a mass movement in and out of Sabah, and probably fewer Covid-19 cases and therefore, no third wave.

Musa, you have been the chief architect, so stop passing the buck.

Malaysia Bharu: In insurance parlance, there is a term ‘proximate cause’, meaning an injury would not have occurred “but for” the actions of another.

Musa, in his haste to divert from the preceding chain of events prompted by him that led to the collapse of the legitimate Sabah government and the dissolution of the state assembly, is barking up the wrong tree. There is no smoke without fire.

Musa should put himself in Shafie’s position and tell us honestly whether he would have remained a sitting duck while some desperados were undermining him to bring down his government. Under the circumstances, Shafie was well within his rights to exercise the options afforded to him by law to thwart the derailment of his government.

Musa’s parallel justification, vis-a-vis the backdoor takeovers of state assemblies in the peninsula, is akin to comparing apples with oranges.

Unlike the peninsula, where the changeover in certain states was an extension of the fall of the Pakatan Harapan government due to the defection of Bersatu frogs and PKR rebels, in Sabah, Musa allegedly provoked the hordes of defections of Warisan assemblypersons to topple the Warisan government.

The fact that his legal manoeuvres to claim the chief ministership right up to the Federal Court and last-ditch effort to prevent the Sabah election were thrown out by the courts attests to the fact that his actions were unlawful and an attempt to grab power by foul means.

Of course, the recent surge in the pandemic was unexpected and may be partly related to the Sabah election, but that could be due to failure of the health authorities to strictly enforce the mandatory Covid-19 SOP in relation to those returning from Sabah.

Citing Covid-19 to vindicate himself from the self-propelled course of events in Sabah is untenable and an act of desperation.

Paradise: Musa actually had a choice - to wait until the expiry of the Warisan government or to carry out a coup d’etat in order to overthrow the standing government.

But he was unable to overcome his lust of power, and thus he chose the latter. Now he has no other alternative but to own up his misadventures and quietly retire from politics.

GreenQuokka4577: What is the purpose of this open letter? He’s probably realised that the Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) government is weak and isn’t gaining popularity thus far. His clueless lapdogs aren’t performing accordingly, and he has to do some damage control.

Anyway, don’t leave your walking stick behind the next time you run off to avoid getting caught in the rain, Musa.

Goliath: Musa and the entire Perikatan Nasional (PN) coalition are a complete disgrace to this nation.

Power-hungry and fully responsible to force a takeover of a legitimate government voted by the rakyat in the 14th general election, forcing through a probable backdoor government to be in power against a democratically elected one.

Warisan had no other choice but placed the power back to the rakyat’s hand. It was the proper and legitimate thing to do. Unfortunately, it was during a pandemic. Resigning would be handing over power to someone who is not fit and elected to be the chief minister.

Musa is, without a doubt, the main cause of this force of hand. If he was not power-crazy, there would not be an election and would not be a deadly third wave of the pandemic on our streets. This open letter should have been crafted as an apology letter to the rakyat.

YellowRusa5552: Actually, nobody blamed you, Musa. We blame the person who gave you the inspiration to launch the coup d'etat.

Imagine if you had not done a deal with the devil and still have the 46 charges pending against you, I am pretty sure Sabah today will still be governed by Warisan and the state will be relatively free from Covid-19.

Yes, for the sake of glory, the people of Sabah are made to suffer and become the sacrificial lamb on the altar of power and wealth. If you insist on being blameless, maybe perhaps we can apportion 80 percent of Sabah's current predicament on certain towering individuals in Putrajaya and 20 percent on you.

But that 20 percent doesn't absolve you from the fact that 80 percent of Sabah's current problem lies squarely on your greed and the deal with the devil.

Salvage Malaysia: Yes, you politicians caused it all. It started with PN wanting to control Sabah amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

All your 46 cases were cleared and you and PN leaders went for the jugular. And when Shafie realised he had lost majority, he made it worse by subjecting our fellow Sabahans to risk their lives by going for the election when it could have been done via postal.

And now we have other people going for the prime minister post and Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s jugular. Will you blame Muhyiddin if he calls for a snap election, subject to Agong’s consent if he knows he has lost majority too?

Bottom line, politicians are the ones killing us and our livelihood. All because of self-serving politics. We are sick and disgusted.

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