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YOURSAY | The pros and cons of Loke’s ceasefire deal

YOURSAY | ‘Do not make the mistake of misreading the pulse of the rakyat.’

Loke sets opposition's conditions for ceasefire deal

The Wakandan: I’m not sure why DAP’s Anthony Loke is doing this. In other circumstances, what he suggests - cooperation between the government and opposition parties - is quite normal, but the situation is not normal here in Malaysia for many reasons.

The manner in which Perikatan Nasional (PN) was formed is one reason why his suggestion is inappropriate because PN is made up of parties where reciprocation with the DAP does not exist.

It can be likened to the relationship between Hamas of Palestine and Israel. The only acceptable outcome for them is for both sides to stop existing and so too PN-DAP/Harapan.

PN cannot meaningfully cooperate with DAP without compromising their stand against them (DAP). Loke is embarking on a proposition where the other hand is missing to do the clapping.

OrangeViper2887: Loke tries to ‘reign supreme’ by nominating Dr Mahathir Mohamad and later Warisan president Shafie Apdal over PKR president Anwar Ibrahim.

Now, he wants the opposition to surrender to the pengkhianat (traitors) running the government. What a ridiculous situation.

Does he also expect Mahathir’s group, who is also sitting on the opposition bench, to surrender to PN? The best option is to strengthen the opposition, which PKR has adopted.

Think of the convicts and the ‘terminally ill’ MPs in government. If they are to vacate their seats, the Parliament’s numbers game will change.

The only obstacle is Mahathir, who denies Anwar of the prime minster candidacy. Talk to Mahathir and convince him to accept Anwar as PM.

If you could do it before GE14, why can’t you do it now? The test is whether you are sincere or not.

OrangePanther1466: @OrangeViper2887, you obviously do not appreciate good and rational ideas.

This is not about surrendering or working with traitors. This is about rendering support for government bills in Parliament if the bills are for the good of the people and country.

It’s about not always opposing government bills just for the sake of opposing but voting based on one's conscience, beliefs, and convictions. In other words, support the bills in Parliament if support is justified.

Why bring Mahathir into the argument? He is in no position to make Anwar the PM.

IndigoTrout2522: Loke can keep dreaming. Did he forget how many secret behind-the-scenes and scheming went on between Mahathir, Muhyiddin, Azmin Ali, and others during Harapan’s 22 months’ rule?

Their goal was to get rid of DAP and Anwar. The Sheraton Move did not happen overnight. It was envisioned and planned for some time. They were just using PKR, DAP, and Amanah for their own ends.

Even if Muhyiddin agrees to cooperate with the opposition now, it won’t be long for them to make another move by calling a snap election. If the rakyat can see through their evil plot, it is hard to believe that these elected representatives are still so blind.

It is unfortunate that there are Harapan ministers who worked so hard and diligently for the betterment of the rakyat but do not have the power in the decision-making process within the Harapan coalition.

The top priority is for Harapan to strengthen their parties and re-commit to the ideals and principles of their parties. If the people continue to lose confidence and trust in them, there will be more MPs, state representatives, and members defecting.

So first, take care of your own parties and members, or as the saying goes, take care of your own backyard first.

Undecided: Loke's call is not a bad one. At this time, if the PN government is receptive to some of the proposed changes by the opposition, it can only make the future better for Malaysia.

You can't do that if Muafakat is in complete control. This is not the case presently with Muhyiddin and he has worked with the opposition leaders before.

No one can be sure how the 15th general election is going to turn out as Muafakat is not a pushover if one takes into account the resistance to change among many Malay-Muslim voters, especially those in the rural constituencies.

There are more "moderate" lawmakers like Umno leader Nazri Abdul Aziz and they may be receptive to give and take.

The full effects of Covid-19 on the economy are still not at its peak. The opposition can contribute significant ideas to alleviate the suffering of the rakyat, especially those in the B40 (bottom 40 percent) category and managing the economy.

OrangePanther 3466: With people like Loke, I feel there is still hope for the country. We need mature and rational leaders who think and care for the people, not the self-serving corrupt bunch that we have now.

In short, the proposal is that the PM can depend on the opposition to vote rationally on bills presented. They will not vote against for the sake of opposing government plans. This will be good for the country.

Kawak: Yes, good and insightful leaders always look at a bigger picture. Leaders who only put their personal or their parties' interest above national interest are just selfish humans.

Umno-PAS combo playing racial cards and instigating religious sentiments to gain political mileage is destroying the nation.

Rentap: Loke, do not make the mistake of misreading the pulse of the rakyat. They do not want to see Harapan teaming up or even cooperating with PN or Muafakat Nasional in any kind of ceasefire. Even your hardcore supporters will turn their backs on Harapan, especially DAP.

Muhyiddin seized power through an illegitimate political coup. He was not voted in on the people's mandate. If Harapan goes this route, it will seal its fate.

Just because Muhyiddin is on shaky ground now, doesn't mean you must jump in to save him. Let PN or Muafakat tear itself apart and you will get back into power.

But cooperating with them stinks to high heaven. You might as well have supported Mahathir's "unity" government. Stop letting the old fox pull your strings. It’s too obvious at this point.

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