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YOURSAY | Two-week quarantine should apply to all, including ministers

YOURSAY | 'How many times must the people face the truth that VIPs are treated differently…'

Seputeh MP claims minister flouted quarantine rule on returning from overseas

Source claims minister tested negative after trip to 'green zone' Turkey

PurpleJaguar0553: This is the trouble with the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government. It’s always one law for them and another for the rest of the public.

It was reported that Minister of Industry, Plantation and Commodities Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali got tested for Covid-19.

If such testing, assuming that it was done, is sufficient comfort, then why the need for all inbound travellers to quarantine? Just test everyone who enters the country and release them if their results are negative.

PN leaders believe they are above the law. Is this the principle of governance advocated by PAS when it says there must be a Malay-centric government for Malaysia? Is this the will of majority rule - that they can and will flout the law and no consequences may be visited upon them?

Is this now the standard of the PN government? If it is, we might as well let Najib Abdul Razak back as prime minister.

Vijay47: There would be a justifiable widespread belief that nothing would really come out of this complaint regarding Khairuddin allegedly not complying with quarantine requirements upon his return to Malaysia from Turkey.

This has generally been the standard response to any complaint against ministers or government party members failing to follow the standard operation procedures (SOPs).

If indeed some action is taken, it would usually be a gentle rap on the knuckles, whereas if the same offence been done by the common man, he would have suffered the full brunt of the penalty.

We still remember that a deputy minister was having a meal at a religious school, without being in the least bothered about social distancing. It was only after many complaints from the public that some minor penalty was reluctantly imposed on him.

Leaving aside the immoral cheek of the extravagance in the infamous ‘udang galah’ lunch, we again saw government leaders, including the prime minister, enjoying themselves without giving a hoot for Covid-19 SOPs.

Of course, nothing beats a senior minister relishing his vape in, of all places, Parliament. And his mind-boggling explanation? He didn’t realise! I believe he was made to pay a fine of RM250. Can we imagine the uproar had an opposition MP done the same thing?

In Khairuddin’s defence, maybe the virus does not affect turkeys.

Bobby0: Millions of Malaysians were told to either quarantine themselves in their own homes for 14 days or they were sent to hotels or quarantine bases after returning from overseas. If they do not follow the law, they can be hauled up by the authorities.

Why is this minister so special that he is given special treatment? Will Parliament close down without his presence? So what if Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin had given him permission to travel to Turkey?

The law applies to everyone, irrespective of who you are. If not, why then make laws in Parliament? Is it not a waste of time and money if parliamentarians do not follow the same laws they set for the people?

How many times must the people face the truth that VIPs are treated differently? It is time this stops or the people will show the VIPs who the actual boss is.

Anon 93751028: What nonsense. My friends also had this 'special test' and they were out in four hours.

They still had to complete their home quarantine, which they followed faithfully, including having the second Covid-19 test on the 13th day of quarantine. The minister’s test is exactly the same one administered to all incoming travellers.

Appum: If that is the case, give the rakyat the same option as was given to the minister.

I would prefer to pay for my test, even if it is a few hundred ringgit and spend hours at the airport, rather than spending over RM2,000 and 14 days of quarantine to prove I am Covid-19 negative.

Kunta Kinte: The Sivagangga cluster index case also tested negative upon arrival, went to his shop, and started a cluster for the Health Ministry to clean up. Covid-19 then manifested in Kedah, spread to Perlis and also Penang.

The person was sent to jail and fined RM12,000. His shop was closed permanently. Our minister came back, tested negative, and was allowed to go around. It seems to me, a law is only a law if you are not in the corridors of power.

GoldenFalcon0661: I came back from abroad at the end of April from a green zone and tested negative at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) but still had to complete the full 14-day hotel quarantine.

I had to be tested again on day 13 so as to be sure before I was released. Double standards again!

Ipoh Pp: My son, who came back from Singapore after being stuck there for six months, tested negative for Covid-19 on arrival.

But he was still was bussed to a hotel in Johor Bahru and stayed there for 14 days. He had a second test which showed negative. Then only was he released to go home.

So what is so special with this minister? Is he different from us? Muhyiddin, it’s time for you to pull out the whip. Treat everyone the same. No exceptions, please.

We are all citizens of the same country and Covid-19 will infect all, not only the poor. I am really fed-up with the treatment coming from the top, and it’s a case of ‘Do what I say, not what I do’.

ManOnTheStreet: I plead with Health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah, please be with the rakyat on this matter. Put your foot down and demand that there be no exceptions to the SOP.

VIPs and ordinary men on the street need to be equal in the fight against Covid-19. You must not compromise on this matter for the safety of all of us. I believe the law has given you the power to act irrespective of any rakyat’s position. Get your officers to take action without fear or favour.

A lack of action by turning a blind eye to this will discredit the Health Ministry to no end and will undo all the hard work done by the heroic front liners. Please put a stop to all this hypocrisy and nonsense. You have the power. Use it.

PurpleOrca1561: A very heavy penalty should be imposed. If Khairuddin escapes or is given light penalties, then I think it only proper for the people of Malaysia to take matters in their own hands, rather than adhering to the laws of the present government.

We should have a massive protest at Parliament and demand for immediate action and justice on this matter. No more lame excuses. This minister should be revoked of his position and status, fined and given a maximum jail sentence.

Otherwise, we should hold a protest for this government to step down. If we can do this collectively on a very big scale, we can shake this government.

It looks like they are taking all Malaysians for a ride. They are arrogant. They have been practising double standards when it involves politically-connected people.

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