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YOURSAY | Money and politics are like water with mud?

YOURSAY | ‘Interesting analogy, Rais Yatim. Is money the water and politics the mud or…?’

Rais recalls how Mahathir flip-flopped on backing Muhyiddin as PM - report

MS: "Money and politics are like water with mud. To get clear water, it must be distilled or processed first," said former minister and now Bersatu senator Rais Yatim.

Interesting analogy! Is money the water and politics the mud? Is it dirty politics to be cleansed by money? Or is it dirty money and dirty politics laundered and washed at the alter of ‘ketuanan’ politics?

Whatever it is, this 'past-his-shelf-life' politician has rationalised the summum bonum (the highest good) of ‘ketuanan’ politics - money. Money to get in and money to make while in, money to hop, and money to stand aside.

Malaysia Bhar: Does it really matter who said what among these decadent gutter politicians?

What about Rais? He behaves as if he strides the moral high ground over his peers and masters, but how many of us have anything good to say about him?

Whether it is Mahathir, Najib Abdul Razak, Rosmah Mansor, Muhyiddin Yassin, Rais, or the other politicians in the backdoor regime, they are all the same. Their political lifeline is their so-called "struggle for bangsa dan ugama".

All the ills of the nation over the last 60 years have been under the continuous Umno-dominated politics of race, religion, and entitlement.

Can anyone tell us where are we headed? To a more democratic and prosperous Malaysia or to the abyss of another failed dream of a failed state in the name of bangsa dan agama (race and religion).

It was never about the people or the country. Take away those two words - bangsa and agama - and these politics of one-upmanship will be as good as stripped bare and consigned to the political wilderness.

IndigoTrout2522: Rais, it is not flip-flop (for Mahathir to allegedly back Muhyiddin and changed his decision later).

All along, this group of former Umno leaders, including Mahathir, Muhyiddin, etc, were just using Pakatan Harapan for their own political agenda or ends.

But they started to fight among themselves when Harapan insisted on implementing the transition agreement. PKR/DAP/Amanah were too naive not to see through their evil plot.

Eventually, PKR renegades Azmin and gang made the Sheraton Move. All this was part of the plot hatched by them.

They had never intended to fulfil the transition agreement. As for Mahathir, his hatred of Najib was too strong for him to continue with the plan. And has he condemned Azmin and gang?

FairMalaysian: Rais’ logic is as twisted as that of Mahathir's. The truth of the matter is, this country has become a hotbed for corrupted leaders who have a huge following who believe likewise – that cash is king.

Even in this day and time, Rais is searching for a "filter", but he talks about 22 years and 22 months of Mahathir's rule.

Rais is complicit since he was with the others in Najib's cabinet. He has no moral standing to lecture us as he did almost nothing while he was in government.

It is easy for Rais and the likes of him to point fingers at others, even as he believes that race and religion ought to take precedence over character and discipline.

FellowMalaysian: Rais attacked Mahathir by pointing out that he focused his entire effort in fighting kleptocracy during the past 22 months of Harapan's reign and did little else. But dismantling a corrupt and evil leviathan like Umno is no easy task.

Rais is now asking Mahathir to lend his hands to support Muhyiddin who connives with the unrepentant Umno and PAS.

Caniadviseusomething: The timing of this revelation is questionable. Why now? I am pretty sure this has got to do with the upcoming Slim by-election.

Existential Turd: Flip-flopping and party-hopping are par for the course for Malay leadership. Dr M is not the only one inflicted by this disease.

Time and again, they can make promises only to renege on them once they get power.

Mafeeah: Rais, didn't you also change your stand many times like from Umno to Bersatu and perhaps now to Umno again since Bersatu is joining Muafakat Nasional?

And as for Mahathir's PM stints, why didn't you speak up then about money politics?

VP Biden: Indeed, what were you thinking when you jumped from Umno to Semangat 46, then back to Umno, then Bersatu, and soon back to Umno?

This is a case of the pot calling kettle black. They are all the same species, not thinking of the rakyat and the nation.

Odysseus: Why should it be about his love for his religion that matters? If it’s all about religion, do you still need to talk about corruption and mismanagement?

Heron: It is quite worrying to consider that senior Malay politicians may have developed a tendency to be reckless.

For some decades now, their passions and leadership appear to be focused on personal objectives other than constructive nation-building of a country that has so much potential.

And needless to say, the present poor state of socioeconomic and political affairs is a consequence of decades of what could be argued as ‘unprogressive’ leadership.

2020 has almost come to an end and we are still a relatively poor nation judging by our distributional index of national wealth and human development.

Certain facets of their leadership effectiveness have arguably led to the weakening of a national character to strive for productivity, prosperity, and tolerance.

And it is also worrying that this generation of politicians who have held effective persuasion over governance, both at state and national level, have not gained much success in cultivating and promoting significant numbers of a younger generation of morally competent leaders for public office.

GreenLeopard4021: Enough said about the Sheraton coup and the traitors who brought down a legitimate multiracial government.

All those big names including yourself, Rais, should be dumped into the trash bin for causing such an embarrassment to our beloved nation, all for the sake of money, position, and self-gain.

It's time for all right-thinking Malaysians to look ahead beyond race and religion to vote in honest, creditable, broad-minded, and well-educated leaders among us to save the nation.

It doesn't matter if they are black, brown, or yellow as long as they can do the job. Enough of frogs and traitors. This is an appeal to the good ones - please stand up so that we can count on you.

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