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YOURSAY | So politicians can ‘legally’ accept RM380mil in donations

YOURSAY | ‘Musa Aman can soon be laughing all the way to the bank again. The one in Hong Kong.’

Ex-AG Gani's affidavit helped secure Musa's acquittal

Vijay47: The shock and outrage lie not only in the acquittal but the haste with which the decision was made. Of course, the judge may have been assisted by the contributions from two former attorney-generals and a host of former enforcement officers.

They all were of the uniform conclusion that the charges, all 46 of them, were mala fide, reeking of political persecution, and by happy coincidence, almost exactly how former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad described the prosecution of controversial Muslim preacher Zakir Naik in India.

Following brief protests against the charges first seen in 2018, former Sabah chief minister Musa Aman took a lengthy rest, only to be rejuvenated in February 2020 by another happy coincidence almost the morning after the overthrow of the Pakatan Harapan government.

Seeing the writing on the wall, he forthwith applied for the charges to be struck off as they were ‘groundless’. And today, the angels brought him the good news.

Judge Muhammad Jamil Hussin is a true Solomon and in a blink, he accepted Musa Aman’s explanation that the funds in question were political donations.

Let us consider the role of the current attorney-general (AG) who unfortunately has revealed himself to be spineless and worthless for the high office thrust upon him.

We still remember Idrus Harun’s script when movie producer Riza Aziz was granted a rosy plea bargain complete with butter icing. You cunningly alleged that former AG Tommy Thomas had agreed to this settlement, failing to mention that Thomas had resigned about three months prior to your signing on the dotted line.

Now in your second public performance, you again attribute developments to another former AG’s opinion. Such being the case, Idrus Harun, why should you continue holding on to your position?

The clerk at AG’s Chambers can serve as well - he can always seek the advice of past AGs and perhaps even Hong Kong authorities.

Turning back to Musa Aman, I would suggest that you strike while the iron is hot, make hay while the sun shines and all that. You should sue the government for the false charges which have brought you into public contempt and odium. Victory is a cinch.

You can soon be laughing all the way to the bank again. The one in Hong Kong.

Kim Quek: If there is lack of vital documents and key witnesses to support the charges, how did former AG Thomas lay the charges two years ago? Is it remotely possible that all the 46 charges are unsupported by such vital evidence and witnesses?

If Idrus Harun has personally established solid ground to discharge the accused, does he need to dwell at length on an ancient argument put up by a former AG a decade ago? Didn’t Thomas have to face the same ancient argument when he laid the charges?

In discharging Riza, Idrus shifted the responsibility to Thomas, now he is leaning heavily on another former AG (Abdul Gani Patail) to justify another discharge (Musa). Is such dubious conduct compatible with an honourable and competent AG?

For the sake of justice, I hope Thomas would clear the air by stating the facts and the law upon which he founded his charges.

VioletFish0943: To say that none of the 46 charges can stand is making a mockery of the AG’s Chambers. Before the charge is framed, I am pretty sure there must be solid evidence to press for charges.

Now what happened to all that evidence? It cannot disappear overnight. No, the image of the AG’s Chambers has been badly tarnished - either by simply drawing up charges or by simply dropping them.

Whatever it is, the international community will be reluctant to invest in this country. I guess the worse is yet to come. God bless this country.

RedParrot0282: Indeed, if there was not enough evidence to sustain the 46 charges in court, why did the former AG charge Musa Aman in the first place? Was he so incompetent?

I'm sure all the top brains in AG's Chambers must have discussed the charges before taking action, seeing that we're talking about a highly controversial politician. This is just simply unbelievable and stinks of foul play. What does the Bar Council have to say?

Fredtan: Is Idrus Harun our AG or just a 'postman' making decisions based on former officials?

Whatever others may say, he should read the investigation papers and decide himself - not relying on his predecessors to make decisions for him.

We are going to have Apandi 2.0 once again.

Mohanadas53: Another AG’s decision using a previous AG’s decision.

This current AG doesn’t understand Abdul Ghani’s decisions were tainted by political pressure and they were all protected by him at the time. And if everything depends on previous AGs, why do we need an AG now?

If this decision is made to facilitate Musa Aman returning to the political arena to convince Sabah MPs to jump ship to Umno, it’s another sell-out by Muhyiddin to keep his post.

Malaysia is beyond saving. Umno will definitely show Muhyiddin the door after the next GE.

SeniorObserver: What is the present AG for if two previous AG's affidavit can be used to acquit the ex-Sabah CM?

Can the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) be fully relied upon as their jurisdictions and best interests concern only Hong Kong?

Does the previous AG and judiciary system fail to show enough faith and justice to the ex-CM except only now when Perikatan Nasional (PN) is ruling?

All political donations must immediately be channelled or transferred to the treasurer of the political party or organisation after being vetted. Leaders must not hold any money that is open to allegations of corruption.

Winter As Come: “There are witnesses for the prosecution who have passed away, suffered serious medical ailments or are not in Malaysia anymore."

Based on that, former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak’s corruption cases should be withdrawn. Should we also add “change of government” as another reason for dropping the charges?

Rupert16: We are indeed in the RMCO (Release Malaysian Corrupt Officers) stage.

So, the next person to be fully acquitted, this time based on ex-AG’s (Mohamed Apandi Ali) affidavit, will be Najib?

Political donations are 'mother of all corruption': C4

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