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YOURSAY | As a face of divisiveness, Hadi has no credibility to unite Muslims

YOURSAY | ‘A small fry in a churning pot of hot curry is of no significance to the Arabs.’

Hadi will use special envoy position to unite Muslims worldwide

Semi Value: PAS president and special envoy to the Middle East Abdul Hadi Awang, please go and unite all the Muslims in Malaysia first before thinking of going global.

Kelantan Malays and Muslims are the poorest people in Malaysia even though PAS had ruled the state for more than 30 years.

This shows what the PAS administration is all about. Malays are left poor and have been controlled by politicians to get their support.

The leaders who are running the state are the ones enjoying all the perks and benefits. High salaries, Mercedes Benz cars, top positions in government-linked companies and many more.

Speaking the Truth: Hadi, charity begins at home. The first step is to unite Malaysians and Muslims in your own country first.

I suspect that you don’t really care for your fellow Muslims. Look at what your man did in Kedah? Throw out a fellow Muslim and grab the menteri besar’s post?

Your thoughts, words and deeds should be in one straight line. Also, please don't talk about the Kashmir issue. India knows what it is doing.

Kural: It’s troubling that a man who is alleged to foster a parochial philosophy of separation of citizens in his own small country by faith is now on an official mission to unite people of one specific faith worldwide.

Surely many countries with enlightened views about the sanctity of humanity of all faiths would be apprehensive to welcome him.

HanafiahPuteh: Hadi has no credibility to unite anybody. He is the face of divisiveness.

The world is not stupid enough, like some of the uneducated electorates in Malaysia, to listen to his advice.

You can sell traditional snake oil in Malaysia but not to the world.

PW Cheng: If former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad had failed miserably in uniting the Muslims, I don't see how Hadi can do it.

Maybe he thinks he can con the Arabs just like he does with the village folks in Kelantan and Terengganu.

I am sure the Arabs are well aware that he is using religion as a political tool to pursue his political interests, even to the extent of using religion to cover his lies.

A small fry in a churning pot of hot curry is of no significance to the Arabs. The Arabs have a mind of their own on whom to choose as their friends or as their foes.

What makes you think that they will listen to you, Hadi?

Tropic Plunder: Hadi, why don't you focus on reducing the cases of incest, rape, drug abuse and unemployment in your own state first.

Once you are successful then perhaps, your fellow Muslims will take you seriously and people around the world may want to listen to your ideas.

Undecided: Hadi is trying to justify his fat salary of a special envoy just because of his shameful support of an illegitimate and corrupt backdoor regime.

He cannot even unite his own party, where a split resulted in the formation of Amanah, and he wants to unite Muslims worldwide?

Anonymous_1544340881: Hadi, you are a nobody. Infamous perhaps for coining the term "shariah-compliant lies”.

You had slandered others, sued and then chicken out and withdrew your suit and paying costs in the UK.

You represent a pinprick of a party in a disputed government based on the racist ideology that practices discrimination against others.

You are not even from the lands of historical Islam, Islam being a young religion in Southeast Asia for only a few hundred years compared to Hinduism and Buddhism whose teachings and influence washed these lands for thousands of years.

Yet, you want to take the grand task of trying to unite Muslims to the cause of Palestine, Kashmir and Myanmar.

As Mahathir (the person who you wanted as PM) opined that you are fit to teach in some backyard village school. Even then, he probably was kind.

Newday: Hadi, your comments in regards to Israel are inaccurate.

You said that the majority of countries in the world including Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei do not recognise Israel as a country.

Wrong Hadi, Israel is recognised by the majority of countries. 162 out of 193 member nations of the United Nations do, to be exact.

Unspin: This man who lives under a coconut shell should stop dreaming that he can unite the Muslims in the world. Malaysia is a relatively small and insignificant nation in the eyes of the world community.

If one was to randomly interview common people on the streets of New York, London, Shanghai, Dubai, Riyadh or Algiers and ask them where Malaysia is, one would not be surprised if some have no idea where or who we are.

In fact, when I was in Rome many years back, I told a guard at a railway station that I am from Malaysia and he just stared at me with a blank face.

Only when I said "Sepang" that he acknowledged me as he knew Sepang as the F1 circuit in Malaysia.

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