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YOURSAY: Anwar vs Dr M - it’s time to move on

YOURSAY | ‘Anwar should ignore the old man and focus on building a true Harapan.’

Anwar says not beholden to premier post - 'who's crazy to be PM at 90?'

Gerard Lourdesamy: PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim has accepted his fate. Even if Perikatan Nasional (PN) collapses at the end of this year or early next year, Pakatan Harapan should only cooperate with Warisan, Upko and some of the like-minded parties in Sabah and Sarawak for the 15th General Election (GE15).

Even if Umno and PAS win GE15 and form the government with GPS, Harapan can remain as a strong and effective opposition.

As it stands now, the opposition has collectively 109 MPs to PN's 113. So play your role in Parliament. Enough of backdoor deals and illegitimate governments.

Any change in government should be effected through a mandate from the rakyat in a snap general election. Leave Umno, Bersatu, PAS, GPS and Azmin Ali’s faction to their own devices and fratricidal Malay politics.

As for Warisan, steer clear of Umno, Bersatu and PAS. They can never be trusted. They will destroy Sabah with their politics of hate, bigotry and kleptocracy.

After becoming opposition leader on May 18, Anwar should announce a shadow cabinet of MPs from DAP, PKR, Amanah, Warisan, Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s faction (if they are interested), Upko and PSB.

With 109 MPs, the opposition has a lot of young, educated, clean and talented persons to consider for appointment. Enough of a preponderance of old faces, familiar and safe pairs of hands.

It is time to bring in new blood and restore political idealism.

Harry Mou: Anwar should ignore the old man and move on to build a true Harapan.

Forget Mahathir, he is still traitorous even after causing the collapse of Harapan because he wants to make sure the continuation of his racial policies.

Even when it is his political enemies that are enjoying the loot now, he can accept it as long as it is not benefiting the non-bumiputeras.

Constitutional Supremacy: Anwar, do not talk about such things in public. That was what brought Harapan down. The daily bickering, attacks on Mahathir and infighting within PKR.

You should have compromised with then PKR deputy president Azmin Ali after his faction had won more than 80 percent of contested posts.

When the coup was launched, you were caught unaware and appeared pathetic in your response to the events. You had no answers.

Similarly, sir, we can expect Azmin supporters to make a move at the right time. They have no choice. You have sacked more than 500 members. This has given you a false hope of security.

One option is they may form a new party and challenge PKR in every seat. They would also be possibly aligned with PN. They may be able to win many of your seats.

The above is not rocket science. I, as a non-political party member, can see it coming.

Caripasal: PKR is now a cleaner party after the betrayal of the MPs with "Umno genes". The party should hold on to its principles and stand united with Amanah and DAP.

The next election, barring any snap election, is only three years away. The thieves and robbers will have great difficulty facing the next election as the betrayers will be wiped out completely.

Voters will vote for anything but Bersatu and Azmin’s faction. With the current economic

environment, we will face the next election with near-bankrupt finances, and this could benefit the opposition.

Anonymous_1543386425: Anwar, who asked Mahathir to come out from retirement to join the coalition called Harapan? When you were in prison, who freed you?

If not for Mahathir, Harapan would not have won GE14, and you would still be in prison. Be grateful and accept your fate as you are not destined to be PM because of your past.

Give way to younger leaders. Why do you still want to be PM when you are past 75? This is Malaysia, not India or China or Zimbabwe.

We deserve better and younger leaders. You are an obstruction to the rise of younger leaders. You do not have the support of east Malaysian parties. There is no way you can be PM. Just tally the support you have.

Anonymous_90651587810205590: All these old political mindsets are not suitable for this new era. Look at Canada, New Zealand, France, all of these countries have young leaders.

Mahathir, Anwar and all old politicians must step down if they want Malaysia to move forward. If not, every day, month and year, these politicians will play the same old game of race and religion.

RengitBP: Indeed, all of those who are above 50 years old should step aside in favour of a younger generation of politicians.

And if you are in the Harapan side, have a consistent message to all about what the future of this country should be - without slogans like meritocracy, integrity, democracy and defensive phrases such as Malay supremacy and religious indoctrination, and bring those messages to people in smaller towns and rural areas.

Make it in simple terms that people can understand. You no longer need to win the hearts of people in the Bangsar, Mont Kiara, Damansara, Georgetown areas. You need to win more of the smaller and rural areas.

Anonymous 2477041498014112: @REngitBP. Unfortunately, there are also many below 50 whose mindset is still like these old folks.

Fairplay: Anwar, you owe Mahathir nothing. And it is not about payback but exposing and bringing the corrupted ones to justice.

Should you ever become PM, you need to do what you have to do.

Daylight: Anwar may still be prime minister, who knows. However, if he continues to have Mahathir around him for whatever reason, he can say goodbye to his PM dreams.

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