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YOURSAY | Going forward, a Harapan without Mahathir

YOURSAY | ‘Only a person with zero honour and integrity can behave like Mahathir.’

Anwar: Mahathir not a member of Harapan

Siva1967: PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim, no one knows what goes on in former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad's mind. You, being one who was closes to him, is not sure how he operates.

It was magnanimous of you and partners of Pakatan Harapan to work with Mahathir and put all that has happened in the past 20 years behind for the sake of the nation.

Unfortunately, Mahathir only wanted to use the Harapan platform to get rid of Najib Abdul Razak. I believe he did not anticipate that Harapan would garner enough seats to oust Najib and Umno at GE14.

Once that had happened and he got the PM’s post, he, for the early part, played the goody two-shoe politician that the rakyat had voted for. But the tiger can never lose its stripes.

Soon after, the true politician in him came out. And he, at all times, wanted to renege from the promise he made with Harapan - that is, to hand over the PM’s post to you.

When the Sheraton Move was brewing, he could have announced that he does not support it and quickly tell his Bersatu supreme council members that Bersatu should not pull out of Harapan, and that he as the chairperson would not allow it and does not endorse it.

The mistake all the so-called seasoned politicians in Harapan did was not put the date of the transition in the agreement. You, too, did not learn the lesson from the Perak fiasco in 2008. So, don’t blame anyone except yourselves.

Anyway, it is all water under the bridge. Now, for heaven’s sake, please stop mentioning Mahathir’s name in any of your statements or even entertain the slightest of idea of working with him again.

Please carve a path for Harapan to regain the confidence of the voters, especially those who are hell-bent on having a Malay-only government.

We, the non-Malays, are not here to take over the country from the Malays like what had happened in Singapore. We are citizens of the country, too, and are only seeking to be treated as equal like everyone else.

There will never be a day the non-Malays can become the PM. There will never be a day the non-Malay can become the inspector-general of police (IGP) and certainly, there will never be a day a non-Malay can become the chief secretary of the government. And just in case there is any doubt, we the non-Malays are not hard up for these positions.

Harapan’s mission now is to educate the Malay voters that we are Malaysian regardless of what our ethnicity is. Focus on the building a Bangsa Malaysia, not a Bangsa Melayu, Cina, India, Iban, Kadazan and Murut.

There should be adequate political programmes from now till the next GE and the one next. Focus on the plans Harapan can put in place. It is a mountain to climb, but it has to be done anyway.

Anonymous 2405191458063842: Even the best of people will have no chance when you have a wolf pretending to be a gentle lamb within your fold, who will show its fangs at the most opportune moment.

Our main problem in this country is that the majority group had been programmed to hate the minority group based on so-called racial superiority combined with religious supremacy.

So how do you deal with this 62 years deep-rooted disease which had been incessantly nurtured and bolstered by a whole bunch of racist leaders who for decades routinely call out the 40 percent non-Malays as foreigners (pendatangs) and whose presence are all on the kindness and tolerance of the true sons and daughters of the soil?

The non-Malays must be forever grateful to even live here and must be grateful to be allowed to have the opportunities to do business.

Such blatant discrimination is something not even the ablest leaders can overcome in five or even 10 years, let alone two years.

Ada Harapan: Mahathir blames everyone but himself. It has been amply demonstrated that he is unreliable and will go with his own ways, not that of his partners even with prior agreement.

Harapan, Mahathir may still have some Malay support which you need but it is best to focus your energy on the new generation and new ideas now. Leave him alone to ride into the sunset.

NoNonsence: "My patience is legendary. So, I don't think I can be easily provoked,” said Anwar when asked about Mahathir's statement that Malays are unable to accept him as the next premier.

Anwar is talking like a real statesman, not Mahathir. Whether he succeeds to become PM is not important but we, especially the minorities, need him now to defend multiracial politics during this difficult time of great uncertainty.

Anwar, your patience will surely not let you down but pay you at the right time. We, too, will be patient and continue to support you for the creation of a beautiful Malaysia where we can all live together peacefully.

Kim Quek: Watching how Anwar responds to Mahathir’s bad-mouthing of him, you can see the difference between a statesman and a spoiled politician.

One talks of principles and facts, while the other rattling on personal vendetta. Brushing aside Mahathir’s sweeping assertion that Anwar is rejected by the Malays, Anwar coolly pointed out that he has always won his elections with resounding Malay support.

Refusing to be distracted by Mahathir’s provocation, Anwar said Harapan’s current priority is the consolidation of the coalition and its prime focus is the economy, the Covid-19 pandemic and the people’s hardships.

Most importantly, Anwar demonstrated once again that he is a man of principle when he said that he would rather lose the chance of becoming PM than to waiver from his party and the coalition’s avowed multiracial approach to politics.

Kangkuong: Bravo, Anwar. Well said, for once. You didn't answer Mahathir's low comments with another low comment, but it still stings, and at the same time, came out looking like a statesman.

Speaking Sense: If anyone had to work with parties like Umno, PAS and GPS to be PM, it would given them better integrity not to be PM at all.

So, Anwar, it’s disappointing if you don’t get to be PM, but it’s not a shame and you can always hold your head up high as long as you maintain your declared principles.

Seriously, there is no other alternative for an inclusive Malaysia apart from Harapan. So, keep the dream alive, regardless of the disgrace all-around at the moment.

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