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Yoursay | Surely Covid-19 poses a bigger threat than LTTE

YOURSAY | 'What a brilliant move into eternity and beyond, to consider charging the LTTE accused again.'

New home minister to discuss LTTE charges with ministry, police

Mazilamani: Newly-minted Home Minister Hamzah Zainuddin has nothing else better to do than to reopen closed cases (those allegedly involved in the defunct Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, LTTE).

There are so many other issues that the Home Ministry should be looking into. We should concentrate on those determined to tear our country apart by exploiting race and religion matters.

The people are monitoring what the new government is doing between now and the next general election (GE). It is their collective actions that will decide whether this government will last longer than the previous one for the remaining three years.

Vijay47: What a brilliant move into eternity and beyond, to consider charging the LTTE accused again.

This will be another achievement for the Malaysian judiciary, a new milestone in its journey to set fresh standards in jurisprudence wisdom and excellence as the world watches agog in sheer admiration.

Weren’t the LTTE 12 acquitted and discharged? The Attorney-General’s Chambers may appeal? At the prosecution's own application? To charge again on the same facts?

And the sun rises in glory and dignity. Why not? The night sky is full of cows jumping over the moon. Not to mention pigs doing aerial displays. Only in Malaysia, folks, only in Malaysia.

Kawak: Please do something proactive on the Covid-19 threat rather than focusing on the defunct LTTE issue.

It seems like the culprit behind this wants to seek revenge on the 12 men who were freed by the law and to portray DAP to be infested with Indian terrorists.

The culprit? The former home minister, perhaps?

Newday: Just as the 12 thought it was safe to step outside, it appears not and it isn’t because of the Covid-19 outbreak.

What is the ideology of the Tamil Tigers that threatens us in Malaysia? What you believe and what is reality are two different things. If the government cannot see this, then some people are in for one nasty ride.

Oriole: Stop persecuting Indian Malaysians. You are making them as the convenient scapegoat each time you have some shady business going on. The LTTE issue seems to be so important to you as the Palestinian cause.

Why are you so anxious to punish a group of innocent Malaysian citizens? Is it actually to shield the so-called fugitive and radical individual from India who has been allowed to settle here?

Is this a deflection of who the real terrorist is?

Dompet Saya: “If we need to take necessary action, I will take stern action and it will be according to the law and the Federal Constitution,” Hamzah was quoted as saying by Berita Harian.

Hamzah, how about first helping to ensure that those charged with corruption do not escape the law and be punished.

Also, please look into all unresolved cases of murder and mysterious disappearances.

NMPM2020: We are paying taxes to the government that pays the salaries of the ministers, who must perform accordingly and not pursue a personal agenda.

Pursing the LTTE case is a waste of time and money, which is not benefiting the country or the rakyat.

Quigonbond: Indeed, the new government is wasting no time in bringing back selective persecution.

And there were no charges for those involved in the drug binge in a nightclub case not too long ago. I wonder who would be next?

Anonymous_cdb4fb5d: Hamzah was one of the chief conspirators of the “Sheraton Move”. Now he is looking to bully Indian Malaysians to please some people in the deep state.

Maybe he will arrest all those who were released by the courts in the last 20 years and charge them again?

Don’t be surprised if he gets his Tan Sri title soon.

Anonymous_ac377aa5: Hamzah, as the new home minister, you must also talk about other unresolved cases.

You should not be specifically focusing your entire attention on the LTTE when everyone else in the world has acknowledged its demise.

Anticonmen: What about the missing pastors and the terrorist kidnappers? Aren’t they not cases of national interest?

What is the new home minister going to do about this?

Anonymous_1578627575182.61741578627189265: To all Indian Malaysians, please get rid of anything that is even remotely related to LTTE like posters, T-shirts, souvenirs, etc.

Why, even the alphabets LTTE should not be displayed anywhere in the house for fear that those alphabets may have terrorism elements.

If you are a Christian, I suggest not to put the cross in your house as the police may confuse them for the T as in LTTE.

For my Chinese friends, please get rid of the renminbi should you have them in your possession because it has the portrait of the founder of Chinese communism Mao Zedong.

With this new government, it's better to be safe rather than sorry.

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