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Yoursay | Perlis mufti does not speak for all Malaysians

YOURSAY | ‘The people can judge on their own who is clean and who is not.’

Perlis mufti says Muhyiddin's cabinet cleared by MACC, police

GooseNbanter: “Perlis mufti Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin said he also shared with Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin the people's hope that a Perikatan Nasional government would comprise honest and efficient ministers not seen to oppose the nation's fundamentals, particularly on matters related to Islam.”

When has there ever been a non-Muslim or even a Muslim minister who has opposed the fundamentals of Islam in Malaysia? Seriously?

At some point, we need to stop believing that there are monsters under the bed.

Let’s keep it clear and crisp. Selection to the cabinet is based on incumbents who are deemed to have the calibre to administrate and lead effectively in their governmental roles and responsibilities.

Why mix, muddle and mash things up? There are sufficient dedicated governing and monitoring agencies to ensure that the sanctity of Islam and its practice is preserved and protected.

Just focus on the task at hand - putting the right people into the right jobs. That’s it.

Anonymous_1557299531: Asri, are you speaking for yourself or on behalf of Malaysians?

The sentiment of the rakyat is not the same as yours, simply because we do not recognise or accept the backdoor government that was formed by PN.

The Wakandan: Great. The mufti sanctifies the rogue cabinet. Of course, they were cleared by MACC and the police.

And so did former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak before when his cabinet was cleared by the then attorney-general.

Anonymous_cdb4fb5d: If the cabinet ministers were cleared and approved by the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM), then it should not include the politician allegedly linked to the Sandakan gay sex video.

By the same token, if approved by MACC, then it should not include the politician who is accused of selling off Mindef land cheaply to cronies and responsible for missing helicopters.

Drngsc: Let the people decide if the new ministers are clean, honest and people of integrity.

Asri, please do not try and influence the people by using your position. After all, we are not sure how clean, how much integrity you have and how honest you really are.

Kural: One would be flabbergasted at any notions that our new PM would have sought the advice and support of a mufti with a notoriety for his sectarian views about race in a multiracial country.

Anonymous 2405191458063842: The Perlis mufti, popularly known as Dr Maza, is “redefining.... towards a kafir harbi concept – that non-Muslims have no rights including the right to live”.

Read more from Asia Sentinel, written by Murray Hunter in this article titled ‘Islamic radicalism in a rural Malaysian state’.

"Dr Maza’s comments that Malaysia is for the Malays have angered non-Malay Sabah and Sarawakians, a derogatory poem about cattle on Facebook angered ethnic Indians, and comments about vernacular schools have angered the Chinese community. His new racism is alarming.

“His theology is evolving in new directions, where he is spilling over into political comment, rather than keeping to spiritual issues."

Anonymous_1545691035: This mufti has lost all credibility in the past and now he wants to dip his filthy hands into politics.

Has he truly apologised to the local Hindu community over a controversial “cow worship” poem posted on his Facebook page in 2017?

He was also the mufti who also said Muslim husbands can’t ‘pull out’ during sex without wife’s consent. He should just keep silent.

Citizen: Asri, since when did you become a confidant of our PM? Did our PM inform you that he was cleared by the police and the MACC?

Did you also inform him how shadowy people were used to allegedly kidnap certain people, including Pastor Raymond Koh?

Did you, Asri, as a good and law-abiding citizen, also reveal to our PM the identities of the police officers involved in the kidnapping?

Ipoh Pp: Once the muftis are placed on a pedestal and given such positions literally giving approval so as to please the rural population, then it’s time to seriously consider if it’s time to “give up”.

We are descending into the mud. Once Malaysia was a great country where it was united and peaceful but today, we see so much extreme racial tones of disunity.

Kawak: Asri is the happiest mufti in Malaysia as finally, his dream came true.

He wanted a Malay-Muslim government. It does not matter if the change of government was done through immoral means.

JD Lovrenciear: Why is the 8th prime minister informing individuals when he is accountable to the citizenry? Shouldn't he be speaking to all of us?

Does he not realise that in not addressing the nation but whispering to individuals, he creates more doubts and invites untold sarcasm from everyone?

Anonymous_07cd875d: What kind of person who would publicly announce matters that was discussed privately in the prime minister's residence?

And what was Asri really seeking at the prime minister's residence?

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