Yoursay: Najib should plead innocence in court, not mosque

YOURSAY | ‘If sumpah laknat can prove that a person is innocent, then why do we need judges?’

I did not order killing, may Allah curse me if I am lying – Najib's oath

Love Malaysia: If former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak is a man of faith who truly believed in Allah SWT, he would have rejected the allegedly unknown money (RM42 million) that went into his personal bank account or at least he should have transferred them to the Treasury and declared it to the cabinet.

But he spent the money and fired the cabinet members who questioned him.


A man of true faith in Allah shall not do the sumpah laknat but instead just leave it to Allah and pray for Allah to show the truth.

If he really believes in the afterlife, then there is nothing for him to worry about and Allah shall deal with those who have committed sin accordingly.

Rasullallah SAW had faced various slander. Did he ever once do a sumpah laknat to prove that he was innocent? Instead, Rasullallah was patient and prayed to Allah so that the slanderers be guided to repent.

Najib, you are just abusing the religion to escape worldly punishment and you forget that awaiting you is a bigger punishment in the next world.

Dizzer: Wow, he did it in full fanfare. I've completely changed my opinion and now believe that Najib is innocent of everything, that he is a fine, upstanding, God-fearing, paragon of honesty and virtue.

How could anyone ever think otherwise?

Anonymous 0123456789: “And if I am speaking the truth, may Allah curse those who have slandered me and refuse to repent here and in the hereafter,” said Najib.

Let us see if Najib is cursed by Allah by his sumpah laknat if he lied [...] or are we going to see those who had slandered him being cursed by Allah instead?

The truth will prevail. Don’t play-play with sumpah laknat.

Anonymous_1371640465: Najib is making a mockery of the religion and himself. These things should be addressed in the courts.

If such religious oaths are accepted, please take all prisoners to their respective places of worship to do the same reason and shut down our courts.


Open Mind: Indeed, if conducting a sumpah laknat can prove that a person is innocent, then why do we need judges and lawyers?

Basically, there will be no rule of law in this country. If people who accept gratifications or kill another person can just do a sumpah, then there will be chaos.

This is making a mockery of the religion.

Honma: If the accused is as clean as a piece of white paper, he should make a statutory declaration (SD) of rebuttal and most importantly, make a police report against convicted murderer Azilah Hadri and sue him instead of going to the mosque to swear.

Swearing is an act of cowardice to fool the people. We have read literature in schools about the serpent deceiving God.

We want to know the truth and nothing but the truth. So, let the court decide and no amount of swearing can clear an accused of his or her guilt. Period.

FlabberPro: Can this sumpah laknat be used in the mortal court of law? If not, then this is just a drama to gain sympathy from the rural folks.

If every murderer and thief performs a sumpah laknat, then we may as well discard our legal and prison system.

Some people even lie under oath. With your compromised credibility, Najib, it is wiser if you just keep quiet and let the law prove you right instead.

Godfearing: Absolutely pathetic! Najib is making a fool of himself and making our country a laughing stock.

Worse, he is tarnishing the sanctity of the religion. There is no need for a sumpah. Who is he trying to convince? God Almighty? Isn’t He All-Knowing?

This man is cheating no one except himself.

Odysseus: Najib, the problem is in this country is that many are not Muslims and what you did doesn't resonate with them.

We have our constitution and laws which, we, as citizens of this country, have to abide by. In other words, you need to stand trial to let the judges determine if you should be punished or not.

If you get punished, then God will proceed to do the subsequent parts in line with your religion and belief. Meanwhile, please look for a lawyer to help you.

Hang Babeuf: This performance of sumpah laknat method is no more compelling morally than a statutory declaration.

And legally, it is less so. Azilah's SD trumps Najib's sumpah, for many of us anyway.

Don't Just Talk: So with Najib taking the sumpah laknat, someone else must have ordered Azilah to kill the late Mongolian Altantuya because there was no logical reason for Azilah to do it.

Altantuya was a total stranger to him. After murdering Altantuya, why was there a need to blow up Altantuya's body unless she was pregnant with Najib’s or Razak Baginda’s child as alleged and the father could easily be known with a DNA test?

Anonymous_1548930241247.981548929973205: Najib, please answer a question, just one question. What's the motive for two UTK (Special Action Unit) commandos to kill Altantuya?

Apanakdikato: I am not sure why many Muslims like to resort to sumpah laknat and other forms of sumpah. To tell Allah that "if I am not telling the truth then condemn me to death" is actually an insult to Him.

Does Allah need a human being to tell Him what to do? Allah is the Almighty and He is Sovereign. He certainly does not need any "standing orders" from any of His creations.

Muslims should refrain from such practices because they belittle their religion and faith.

Vgeorgemy: The majority of us trust that the loss of BN in GE14 is the result of God’s curse on Najib’s previous oath-taking concerning Altantuya’s murder case.

God’s curse further resulted in continuous attendance of his current court cases. The accused’s ongoing oath-taking publicity is to cover up God’s curse on his earlier untruthful oath-taking.

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