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Yoursay: AG delivers a sliver of reform to new Malaysia

YOURSAY | ‘Kudos to Tommy Thomas for wise, fair and resolute judgement, and fast action.’

Case closed: AGC withdraws appeal in Rafizi’s Bafia case

Anonymous_1543574477: Former PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli, it’s great that you are a free man now without any more legal uncertainties.

Hopefully, attorney-general Tommy Thomas would discipline his insubordinate staff who acted illegally against his instruction not to appeal against you.

Malaysians certainly need your leadership for a fairer and more equitable Malaysia, irrespective of race or religion.

Straight Talk: Fair-minded and right-thinking people would certainly be happy for Rafizi but his political enemies within his own party and those from sections of Umno would certainly be greatly upset.

Just a very small light coming from the end of a long new Malaysia tunnel.

Multi Racial: Rafizi, I understand you were disappointed with the lack of support you are getting with PKR in spite of your contributions and sacrifices.

I believe majority of Malaysians are aware of your contribution to the victory in GE14. For that, we are forever indebted to you.

In spite of the GE14 victory, there are still many racist and corrupt politicians from the former regime still thriving.

We understand Malaysia didn’t get the reform we deserved and expected. As much as we want changes to be effected fast, we are also realistic that major changes take time and the only way for such change to continue is to have reform-minded politicians like yourself to remain active.

Malaysians are sad to know you are quitting politics and we hope you will change your mind as we believe the nation and people need your service.

As a politician, I am sure you are aware of the difficult journey you have to endure. Success will never come easy and then the higher you climb the more formidable opponent you will come across. Unfortunately, some of them are dirty and they will use whatever means to "kill" your desire to stay in power.

It is true many supporters will switch camp the moment you lose and unfortunately this is normal in an immature democratic nation. That why we need someone like you around to not just reform the policies but also the mindset of the people.

We pray you have a good break and also during this break you will find new energy and desire to make a comeback to finish what you have started.

Vijay47: Rafizi, when news first broke about the appeal against your acquittal, you perhaps justifiably based on an overt fact, reprimanded attorney-general (AG) Tommy Thomas for going against his pledge of introducing a more open judicial system.

That ill-advised unauthorised appeal has since been withdrawn. A word of grateful appreciation from you would be in order.

6th Generation Immigrant: Rafizi, though very welcomed by the general public and the public, looking at your Bafia case through the lenses of you being an honest whistleblower, you were indeed very rash in many revelations. It got you into a lot of problems.

You were rash on other occasions - in wanting to become the deputy president in PKR, in resigning from politics and lately accusing the AG (not the AG’s Chambers) of complicity. All the above points to you being an impetuous young man wanting things fast and only your way perpetually.

Your impatience has again proven you wrong for blaming the AG publicly and very swiftly. Now that you have decided to complete your tour as a full-time politician, it's only fair that you also publicly and swiftly offer an apology to the AG.

He is already on a hot seat you championed for, without you playing in concert with the rest of the opposition politicians to oust him - their impatience unlike yours are all protectively self-serving.

Looking On: Kudos to Tommy Thomas for wise, fair and resolute judgement, and fast action.

Congrats to Rafizi. You are brave and honest, to venture into waters that others would not go and expose the truth. The country needs leaders like you. Please reconsider your decision to quit politics.

I Shall Not Be Moved: Congratulations to you for being a free man now. Rafizi. Don't forget those who are your real friends.

I think that's one of the best thing Harapan has done thus far. A whistleblower must be given the protection especially it is within the true interest of the country, so that more people dare to expose the ugliness of the government of the day.

AGC won’t appeal ‘unconstitutional’ Sosma Sec 13 court ruling

Kim Quek: While commending the AG for upholding the constitution in his decision on the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) bail issue, I disagree that he should use Penal Code 130J to charge the detainees.

LTTE is a liberation movement of a distant foreign country that has gone out of existence for a decade and poses no security issue whatsoever to this country. So, why should these innocent victims be charged under our severe terrorism law that allows life imprisonment?

This is obviously an abuse of law for ulterior political motive, and the AG should not be part of such a dastardly political scheme.

Kangkung: The Security Offences (Special Measures) Act (Sosma) is a repressive law which belong to pariah countries run by dictators, despots. It was created by Najib to silence opponents.

In October 2015, Mahathir commented when activists Matthias Chang or Khairuddin Abu Hassan were arrested under Sosma.

Mahathir said, "People have lost their right to seek redress through the government and through the laws", but now he is happy about the arrest of the so-called LTTE supporters under Sosma. This two-faced Mahathir is worse than Najib.

Vgeorgemy: We commend and eternally grateful to Judge Mohd Nazlan Ghazali for ruling Section 13 of Sosma had violated the doctrine of separation of powers between the judiciary, the legislature and the executive and, therefore, deemed “unconstitutional”.

The constitution must be the holy book based upon which our society’s morality be determined. May God bless the honourable judge for such a courageous decision.

Anonymous_1544340881: Well done, AG. I think after the tentative start, the AG is starting to exercise and use the powers of his office and this means going against the "deep state" elements if they do exists, but most definitely against those within the AG’s Chambers who have a vested interest because of their links to the previous BN regime and its ideology.

If only Harapan will start to use the power that the citizens of Malaysia gave them with their election win, a mandate to curb extremism and take a moderate course (not just anti-corruption), then there is still hope for Harapan.

The pandering to Malay Muslim extremists so that Bersatu can expand is disproportionate to the loss that Harapan's PKR, DAP and Amanah will suffer. Witness Bersatu's failures in by-elections to make any inroads among the Malay Muslim voters despite trying to out-Malay and out-Islam Umno and PAS.

Sorry for going off-track, but well-done again, AG.

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