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Umno-PAS cooperation not a ticket to stir racism, says Nik Abduh
Published:  Jun 2, 2019 1:54 PM
Updated: 6:26 AM

The cooperation between Umno and PAS is not a ticket to stir racism, said PAS central committee member Nik Abduh Nik Abdul Aziz.

Islam rejects racism and assabiah (asserting the primacy of the group against the others), he added.

"The cooperation between Umno-PAS is a blessing. But it's not a ticket to play fire with racism," Nik Abduh said in his Facebook posting.

"Don't be ignorant (jahiliyah) and ruin this noble cooperation."

The Bachok MP's statement followed an agreement by both parties to bind a coalition to face Pakatan Harapan in the next general election.

The charter (piagam) for the coalition, known as Muafakat Perpaduan Ummah, is expected to be announced after Hari Raya.

However, Nik Abduh's view seems to contradict that of PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang's (above), which highlighted the racial factor in fighting for Islam. 

"Islam brings the universal concept and is a blessing to the world... it recognises the role of race in its fight," he had said in November last year.

Meanwhile, Nik Abduh reminded the parties to be wary of enemies who are trying to keep racism afloat.

Failing to do so will result in the trust deficit of the people towards the opposition's cooperation to win Putrajaya.

"PAS will continue to progress with the Islamic concept for a harmonious country," he said. 

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