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'Waste-to-energy plant just a beautiful word to describe incinerator'

The KL Tak Nak Incinerator (KTI), a residents’ group from Kepong, remains opposed to the incinerator project although it has been shifted from Kepong to Serendah, as it believes that burning wastes is not the best choice for Malaysia.

KTI committee member and its media director as well, Lam Choong Wah, said the people should not be misled by the government, which is using the "Waste-to-energy plant" (WTE) term as a more beautiful word to describe the incinerator.

This response came after Housing and Local Government Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin last Saturday announced the cancellation of the incinerator project in Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, and said it would be replaced with a WTE project in Serendah, Selangor...

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