Ex-judges condemn death penalty; Ambrin stands by 1MDB report

KINI ROUNDUP | Here are the key headlines you may have missed yesterday, in brief.

Ex-judges condemn death penalty

Former Sessions Court judge Jagjit Singh warned that capital punishment could penalise the innocent, sharing how he came across three people nearly sentenced to death due to false testimonies from "overzealous" police officers.

Former Court of Appeal judge Mah Weng Kwai said the death penalty is not an effective deterrent to crime because executions are shrouded in secrecy and rarely publicised.


Ambrin stands by 1MDB report

Former auditor-general Ambrin Buang refuted Public Accounts Committee (PAC) deputy chief Wong Kah Who’s allegation that the 2016 1MDB audit report had been “tampered with”.


Rompin MP Hasan Arifin said he did not know what Wong meant by his allegation, as the audit was conducted before his stint as PAC chairperson.

Lawyers told Malaysiakini that Wong should lodge a police report to lend credence to his allegation.

Other Kinibites

A student sued her former teacher for allegedly failing to turn up to class for seven months, along with the school’s headmaster for attempting to cover up the teacher's absence.

Putrajaya said it would challenge the US$5.78 billion consent award to International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) and Aabar Investments PJS last year, claiming there had been fraud in the settlement.

Police sources said that a former minister implicated in the sexual assault of a minor was interrogated for seven hours.

Whistleblower Xavier Andre Justo said the investigation into 1MDB made his “difficult” 18 months in a Thai prison worthwhile.

Looking ahead

Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad will be launching the National Policy on Industry 4.0.

Election Commission chairperson Azhar Harun will be holding a press conference on voter registration.

A protest is expected take place outside Parliament to oppose Putrajaya’s plans to ratify the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Icerd).

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