YOURSAY | 'Anwar's real popularity is not on the internet. Many had bashed him throughout this campaign.'
Anwar wins PD by-election with bigger majority
Anonymous 1802761448130592: Bravo! A welcomed outcome. Let's pray that everything turns out well for PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim.
And when the time comes, he will be our eight PM - a good PM who practises moderation, equality, inclusiveness, progress, transparency, integrity and above all, bringing Malaysians of all races and faiths together.
Leanne_chong: Anwar's real popularity is not on the internet. Many had bashed him throughout this campaign. They are all silent now.
Lepak: The bottom line is simply this: Anwar has proved that he remains arguably the most popular and trusted figure in the country, and his support cuts across all demographic lines.
Remember that voting in GE14 still went largely along racial lines, with the DAP cleaning up the Chinese areas.
In this by-election, there was no DAP to sway voters. It was all for a single devout Muslim Malay candidate, and points to Anwar's personal appeal to all Malaysians.
FlabberPro: While the focus is on Anwar, my mind was thinking, "What did the 82 voters see in Saiful (Bukhari Azlan)? Do they really believe he was really sodomised?"
For once, he does not seem to carry the characteristic of one having experienced such trauma. His actions seem to speak otherwise.
So, what were the 82 voters thinking? What can Saiful offer Port Dickson? Basically nothing.
Malaysian-United: Saiful had absolutely no real agenda to campaign for. He went into the election probably thinking he commanded "star power", since he played a significant role in the jailing of Anwar, the man touted to be the next PM of the country.
Little did he know that the majority of Malaysians, in reality, have only a deep sense of disgust for him, regarding him as a mere opportunist of little consequence.
Saiful must realise by now the infamy from his past association with Anwar is not something he should boast about nor something he can cash on.
Tembikai: I am not optimistic like some readers here. After having worked during Anwar's Umno administration, he does not strike me as a good, sincere and stable leader.
Moreover, his racial and religious agenda is frightening. I don't think he has changed for the better.
Let’s see, all you optimistic people, whether you are right or you are going to kick yourselves for supporting him. I tend to believe it will be the latter.
Gerard Lourdesamy: Tembikai, has Dr Mahathir Mohamad changed? His BBC interview on Hardtalk sums it all up.
Mahathir may not be religious but his Malay first policy is frightening and his constant back peddling on the reform agenda and Pakatan Harapan manifesto is worrying.
Nobody wants a revised form of Umno in government. It is time for far-reaching and fundamental changes in governance and the economy. Enough of crony capitalism and trickle-down economic policies.
The third national car project is a total waste of time and money. Affirmative action should be solely need-based and is fair and just to all the ethnic groups in the country.
The New Economic Policy (NEP) must be disbanded and replaced with something more inclusive.
Anwar is needed to push things through.
Darmakochi: Very good news! Anwar, Mahathir, Rafizi Ramli and Azmin Ali and everyone in Harapan must settle their differences and work towards the common goal of really creating a truly Malaysian society that reflects the multiracial, multicultural and multireligious society as was envisaged in the original Harapan manifesto.
If we achieve this, then Malaysia can be the showcase to all other nations that have plural societies like our beloved country.
Lone_star: Now that he has won and will be given his place in Parliament, Anwar should not be big-headed. He should help build "Malaysia Baru", remembering that the country is for all Malaysians.
As he is also going to be the new PKR president, he has to work hard to ensure that his party is united and be strong for the task ahead.
Anwar: Dr M is 'very proud' of my victory in Port Dickson
The Wakandan: Congratulations, Anwar. If everything turns out as planned, you will be our eighth PM, and that will be the summit of power that a career politician can achieve.
Like in the Spiderman movie, it is always good to remember that great power comes with great responsibility.
Always remember that when you are on the seat of power the people are number one and therefore always come first. As long as you put them first, the rest will be all right. God bless.
Abasir: A pyrrhic victory for "New Malaysia"? Would Malaysians begin to witness its undoing? Will the stealthy erosion of hope now begin in earnest as the rules of good government are tweaked to suit the fancies of the Dear Leader?
Will mullahs muttering Arabic mumbo-jumbo start occupying centre space just as confidantes, comrades, sidekicks and mates slinking below the waterline surface "Real Mild"?
Will the rakyat see the re-emergence of a 1996 Brioni-suited saudara periodically spouting a cocktail of quaint quotes... and little else?
Or has the man, twice plucked from a crucible of his own making, really reformed in every significant aspect to be "New Malaysia's" Renaissance Man? Time will tell the story.
Quigonbond: I would like to ask Anwarphobics what they think of the results. Are voters being conned or were you reading too much into something that isn't there, be it character flaw, sense of entitlement, no leadership quality, etc?
I'm not suggesting for you to stop being sceptical, but there is a need for deeper understanding of things before swinging with the herd.
We may have a reformist government, but politics has become so much greyer in Malaysia because we don't know who are the enemies (or who are considered the enemies) within Harapan. Is it really Anwar and Rafizi, or is it some folks in Bersatu and Azmin?
I would urge everyone to look at how the ministers are performing. Safe to say, a quarter of them are going nowhere except making nice soundbites.
For example, have you heard of anything inspiring from the education minister? Or the third national car project that received even more brickbats after the prototype date was announced by the entrepreneur minister?
Whoever engineered Anwarphobia has failed for now. I wish Anwar the best because navigating the intra-interparty political intrigue within Harapan will be a much bigger and complex challenge.
Oldtownman: Congratulations, sir. After all that you have gone through, you are now destined for the highest office in the land.
Please take care of all Malaysians irrespective of our race or religion. Make Malaysia great again.
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