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Hadi: PAS staying neutral on 1MDB doesn't mean it's defending evil
Published:  Mar 25, 2018 8:07 PM
Updated: Mar 26, 2018 5:59 AM

EDITOR'S NOTE: Sinar Harian has since corrected its article and no longer cites PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang saying that his party was neutral on the 1MDB affair. 

PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang (above) said his party takes a neutral position on the 1MDB issue as it did not believe in passing judgement before there was concrete proof.

However, he said this position did not mean PAS was defending evil.

"PAS believes in the culture of not immediately passing judgement on individuals involved in alleged wrongdoings in the management of 1MDB, so we choose to be neutral on this issue.

"This neutral position does not mean PAS defends evil people but we want the accusations to be handled in a fair manner.

"We want the accused to be considered innocent (until proven guilty)," he was quoted as saying by Sinar Harian during a Gagasan Sejahtera forum.

Hadi lamented that people today were quick to pass judgement.

"When someone is accused, they are immediately assumed to be guilty," he was quoted as saying.

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) believes that at least US$4.5 billion was misappropriated from 1MDB and laundered through the global financial systems including the US.

The DOJ is seeking to seize US$1.7 billion in assets allegedly acquired using the stolen funds.

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak (above), who was the chairperson of the 1MDB advisory board, had denied any wrongdoing.

Najib had also reiterated that nothing in the Public Accounts Committee's (PAC) report on 1MDB had stated that he had stolen any money.

Hadi added that even if someone was to be found guilty, the people should not forget the good they have done.

"Punishment in Islam does not only evaluate the wrong someone has done but also looks at their contributions. If they have done good, it will be considered," he was quoted as saying.

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