Zahid hinting GE14 within days after CNY?

Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has given a hint that the 14th general  election will likely be held within days after the Chinese New Year next year.

Ahmad Zahid, who is also Home Minister and MP for Bagan Datuk, appeared to touch on this when opening the Teoh Fu Kiong Temple in Hutan Melintang in Bagan Datuk this morning.

"Jangan lupa hari besar kita akan sampai, lepas Tahun Baru Cina akan ada hari besar lain. Kalau dulu bikin silap tak pa saya maafkan. Kalau boleh kali ini jangan bikin silap lagi woo,” he said to rapturous applause from the congregation which numbered more than 500 people.

(English translation: Don’t forget our big day will come, after the Chinese New Year there will be another big day, If before voters made a mistake it is okay, I forgive. If can this time don’t repeat the same mistake).


Chinese New Year falls on Feb 16 and 17. The current parliamentary term expires on June 26, 2018  which means GE14 must be called within 60 days from that date.

Ahmad Zahid also spoke on freedom of religion in the country saying it contributed to the peace and harmony the people were enjoying.

“The Malaysian government is a caring one and understands religious differences. Although our constitution states that Islam is the religion  of the federation, non-Muslims are free to practise their respective religions.

“It means the  government is fair and respects all religions in the country because Islam teaches us to respect other religions,” he said.

- Bernama

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