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Whether Najib’s visit to US is official matters not

YOURSAY | ‘What concern M’sians was he received US$681 million in his personal bank accounts.’

Rafizi claims White House visit not official, cites absence of protocols

Vijay47: It is sad that on a momentous occasion such as this when the leaders of two great democratic nations meet to further forge their long-established bonds and to jointly guide the world to a common destiny that Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli, perhaps emboldened by his discoveries and revelations on 1MDB, has chosen to again resort to trivialities in his efforts to disparage a popular prime minister and his equally beloved wife.

Yet PM Najib Razak will not allow such nit-picking to distract him from his mission of creating a better world for all Malaysians. It does not matter a dime that Melanie Trump did not kiss Rosmah Mansor as did Michelle Obama to Mrs Lee Hsien Loong or that she did not even deign to be present.

Nor that there was no welcoming ceremony on the White House lawn. US President Donald Trump’s esteem towards Najib could be seen in how fluently he spoke Bahasa, liberally using concepts like “Ikut kiri” "roti canai" and “Jadi, macam mana?”

The president may visit Malaysia next year unless the Department of Justice (DOJ) screws things up for Umno.

Dont Just Talk: Whether Malaysian Official 1’s (MO1) visit to US is official or not does not matter to Malaysians but what concern Malaysians was he received US$681 million in his personal bank accounts.

That act alone does not exonerate him from his alleged criminal act, and MACC and PDRM should charge or clear him from corruption.

Police officers, government servants and politicians are charged from receiving much lesser sum, but why is no action taken against MO1? Is he above the law?

LooneyTune Film: This hair splitting by Rafizi is really unnecessary and unwise - at best, it shows how he is, being pedantic; at worst, it shows a sense of desperation and despair on the part of the opposition.

Rafizi should focus on how to unite the opposition so that they are ready to face the next general election and continue with his expose on the many scandals beseeching the country.

DOJ probe independent of Najib-Trump meet, says White House

FellowMalaysian: White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders cannot deny that Trump meeting Najib, though on matters not related to 1MDB, will give pseudo-credence to the Umno kleptocrats back in Kuala Lumpur and the local media will declare that even Trump does not care about DOJ's investigations into 1MDB.

Does Washington believe that Malaysia is a force to reckon with where counter-terrorism measures are concerned?

I seriously doubt so and we can only conclude that the relative absence of terrorist militarism in this country compared to neighbouring Muslim countries is brought about through the introduction of punitive laws and taking extremely harsh and inhumane actions even against those young locals who were influenced by the jihadist movements from overseas.

Anonymous 2436471476414726: The DOJ investigation is apolitical, so says the White House spokesperson. Umno politicians however think otherwise.

It is outside interference, a move to remove a democratically elected leader. Strangely no one is talking about meddling in internal affairs when Najib received invitation to the White House. This is hypocritical politics of the highest order.

Who cares about apolitical. Don't be surprised if after the meeting it is announced that Malaysia places order for an array of defence equipment including fighter jets and warships with the US worth billions of US dollars.

The condition is - get the DOJ/1MDB monkey off my back.

LooneyTune Film: It is a photo op, no more no less, the target audience are Umno core supporters - most of whom are amoral when it comes to corruption and money politics - that's their innate DNA and their livelihood after all.

Now, Jasa accuses Anwar of threatening RCI witness

Not Smart: Jasa advisory panel member Tun Faisal Ismail Aziz, don't make so obvious that you people are so desperate to look for a needle in a haystack to pin some people through this Forex Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI).

Maybe to you the "tone" is more closely fitted the definition of an offence under Section 12(2) of the Commissions of Enquiry Act 1950 because you have a pre-conceived and vindictive mind, more so a bad intention.

Anonymous 2436471476414726: Jailed opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim is only responding to the statement against him by former Bank Negara assistant governor Abdul Murad Khalid.

Anwar has every right to refute any misleading testimony by any witness implicating him. On the hand, nobody is saying anything about Jasa director-general Mohd Puad Zarkashi. That's the difference Tun Faisal.

Either you are really stupid not to see the difference or you are just going overboard to defend your boss, a DNA often displayed by Umno members. Puad was just a busy body making the statement about RCI proceeding which do not concern him.

Goldee: Indeed, Anwar is a witness and he has all the right to rebut any false and baseless statement made against him, whereas Puad is making allegations without supporting evident.

Tun Faisal, is either ignorant of the law or plain stupid.

Bluemountains: If you do not have evidence to prove that former Bank Negara adviser Nor Mohamed Yakcop is taking the rap for former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad, then you are guilty of an offence under Section 12(2) of the Commissions of Inquiry Act.

Vijay47: "The tone of Anwar's statement more closely fitted the definition of an offence under the Commissions of Enquiry Act 1950"? Really, which part?

Saying that the allegation by Murad was false? I don't know where Tun Faisal will be more suited to display his linguistic and legal talents, the English Department of Cambridge University, not Oxford considering the quality of graduates it produces, or the David Copperfield show where Tun Faisal can make appear non-existent items.

Then again, I suppose he has earn his keep, however idiotic he reveals himself to be in the process.

Anonymous 2447961480069542: What can you expect from sycophants? The whole RCI is a witch hunt for answers to silence opposition to the corrupt government.

We sorely need one for 1MDB but that is like asking for heaven.

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