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Najib, which Malaysia are you living in?

YOURSAY | ‘It looks like MO1 is living in a different Malaysia from me.’

Najib irked by bad publicity in US press ahead of White House visit

Commentable: PM Najib Razak, you failed to see the point. When The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reports something bad about you, they are not interested in what Dr Mahathir Mohamad did 20 years ago.

Just say, if they want to say something bad about the German chancellor, will she say Hitler was even worse by comparison? WSJ is not interested in Hitler any more than it does in Dr M.

And you know what? It is sickening hearing you and your Umno/BN deflecting your shortcomings on the opposition.

As long as you continue your present stance and allow the government under your command to ignore the elephant (called 1MDB) in the room, you will not only invite but continue to attract bad publicity.

You are the problem, not the "political opposition". The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has made its claim loud and clear. But by accusing the American media of making a series of wild accusations, aren't you pointing your fingers at the DOJ too?

Isn't this insulting not only to the US establishment but also to the American people?

Drngsc: It looks like MO1 (Malaysian Official 1) is living in a different Malaysia from me. In my Malaysia, even wearing yellow is a crime. I, a non-Muslim, cannot use the word ‘Allah’, and a pastor can be abducted in broad daylight with full CCTV coverage, and yet cannot be found after seven months.

In MO1's Malaysia, which is the world of Mrs MO1, we see pink diamonds, luxury handbags, private jets and the freedom to spend as he and she wish, while the people suffer, burdened by inflation and the goods and services tax (GST).

Vijay47: Hurricane Irma has raged along the Florida coast, wreaking havoc in its wake, indifferent to man or beast, even to President Donald Trump. I am sure, Najib, that you would rather meet this lady of a fury hell knoweth not, then face the Washington press corps.

So your bad press is caused by the opposition, not of your own doing? Could your friend Kim Jong-Un, or Robert Mugabe, claim the same defence?

I suppose, in your feeble mind, Hitler's poor image was obviously created by the Jews. American presidents are not deified, nor do they hide behind their wives.

MyMalaysia: It's not the country or people but the leadership which is being judged. That is the fact. When you hide facts from people, yes, they will smear your name. This is, rightfully, a natural human reaction.

Dojusa: Indeed, the bad publicity in the American press about Malaysia is your own making, Mr MO1.

Had you not formed 1MDB, borrowed money for its "projects" and then allegedly siphoned that money into your personal bank accounts, we wouldn't be seeing the DOJ filing civil suits to recover the money for our citizens.

So, instead of pointing fingers at the opposition, why not admit that you are the main cause of Malaysia being called a kleptocracy, not a democracy. We have become a "pariah" state in the eyes of the international community.

Bluemountains: All the bad press reports will die off if only someone will show the paper trail to prove that the US$681 million came from an Arab donor and declassify the Auditor-General's Report on 1MDB.

Why are the authorities reluctant to do these, despite the clamouring by citizens?

RKR: So Najib, the opposition created 1MDB? They splashed the money on diamonds and super yachts? They sacked the attorney-general (AG)?

They were involved in the numerous questionable deaths in Malaysia? They curbed free speech? And they are the ones being investigated for kleptocracy globally?

You can tell this to your intellectually crippled members in Umno, not to the world and certainly not to Malaysians at large.

Anonymous #44199885: Mr PM, for the record, Malaysians, at least most of us, do love our country very much.

Our country's good name has been blackened not by any deed of ours nor the opposition's but those done by associates known to you and allegedly by you and your wife in the DOJ complaints of kleptocracy.

The failure of our cabinet and constitutional institutions to take action to recover the billions of public funds stolen and to arrest the culprits named by the DOJ forces us to hang our heads in shame.

We are a democracy, just not one that brings to account corruption in high places. Anyone who seeks to do his patriotic duty is removed from office, demonised and accused of treachery.

Anonymous 2411361459930771: Even if Mahathir is guilty of all that you said about him, you were a member of his cabinet then. What did you do about it?

You played along, so you are guilty as he is. The honourable thing you could have done then was to resign and not be part of Mahathir's government.

Alas, you wanted the position and some power, so you stuck on with him through thick and thin and finally you got your share of irresponsibility, embarrassment and dishonour. Utterly, lost and hopeless. Why the blame game now?

Malaysia4All: It goes to show how hypocritical the Malaysian PM is, speaking with a forked tongue. Almost every praise he gives himself can be qualified.

"Strong record of democracy and free speech"? Look where opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim ended up, and scores of opposition and NGO leaders. "Repealed the Internal Security Act"? But replaced it with a more draconian law.

Tony Soprano: "A strong record of democracy and free speech" in Malaysia? That's Orwellian doublespeak if I ever heard it.

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