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Our party's red not same as Umno's red, say Bersatu members

The Johor town of Muar was flooded with red hibiscus flags last night as Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) celebrated its first birthday at a private hall there.

The venue was filled with activities starting 11am, such as cooking demonstrations, an online marketing workshop and street soccer to liven up the celebrations before the evening's climax of speeches from the party's founders.

Amid the activities and celebrations, there were also booths selling food and wares lined up, one of which was operated by Terengganu Bersatu chief Razali Idris.

The 51-year-old was selling 100 pieces of golden woven Malay sampin emblazoned with Bersatu's logo. Each piece, costing RM500, contributes to his state's fund for daily operations, he said.

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