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TNB's sirens gave inadequate warning, flood victims tell court

The sirens that were supposed to warn Cameron Highlands residents of impending floodwaters in 2013 were inadequate, witnesses told the High Court in Kuala Lumpur today.

One witness, 54-year old domestic worker Kang Ai Moy, said the siren had sounded frequently in the past, but this did not always indicate that a flood was coming.

Responding to a question when cross-examined by Tenaga Nasional Bhd’s (TNB) lawyer R Harikannan, Kang said she understood the siren to be a signal "to standby.”

Asked whether "to standby" means to prepare to evacuate, she rebutted that the siren would be sounded “whenever it likes.”

“It (the siren) sings in the day; it sings in the night; it sings whenever it likes. Why would I run?” Kang said.

She replied in the affirmative when asked whether she considered the siren to be a normal occurrence...

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