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Hadi's son wants TV slot for father to explain 'Amanat'
Published:  Aug 24, 2017 11:56 AM
Updated: 5:21 AM

PAS Youth leader Muhammad Khalil Abdul Hadi has asked for his father and party president Abdul Hadi Awang to be given an hour's slot, aired live on television, to clarify the "Amanat Hadi" controversy that some parties claim led to the bloody Memali incident in 1985.

Sinar Harian quoted Khalil as also dismissing claims that Hadi was hesitant to meet reporters on the matter.

"Give an hour for Tok Guru (Hadi) to explain the (Amanat Hadi) issue live on any local television channel.

"When this issue surfaced some time ago, Tok Guru had asked for an hour on television to explain the issue but was not given the space.

"If he is (given the chance), it would clarify a lot of issues (related to Amanat Hadi)," Khalil told the Malay daily.

Yesterday, former inspector-general of police Rahim Noor was quoted as saying that a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on Memali would likely expose Hadi's role in influencing the involvement of PAS members in the incident.

Rahim (photo), who was the Selangor police chief at the time, said "Amanat Hadi" inspired many PAS members, including Ibrahim Mahmud @ Ibrahim Libya, who was the focal point of the Memali incident. The incident on Nov 19, 1985, saw 18 deaths, including that of four policemen and Ibrahim.

The former top cop said "Amanat Hadi" had labelled Muslims who do not adopt Islam as a complete way of life, including politics, as kafir (infidels).

'Ibrahim a strident PAS follower'

"Hadi's message was actively taken up and preached by PAS Youth, and it was this message that inspired Ibrahim Libya.

"He was a strident PAS follower and was loyal to Hadi's message," Rahim was quoted as telling The Malaysian Insight.

"Amanat Hadi" was delivered during a ceramah in Kuala Terengganu on April 7, 1981. According to the White Paper on the Memali incident, excerpts of "Amanat Hadi" were widely reproduced.

Excerpts from the most contentious portion of "Amanat Hadi" are:

"Percayalah, kita menentang Umno, bukan kerana nama dia Umno. Kita menentang Barisan Nasional bukan kerana dia lama memerintah kerajaan. Kita menentang dia ialah kerana dia mengekalkan perlembagaan penjajah, mengekalkan undang-undang kafir, mengekalkan peraturan jahiliyah. Oleh kerana itulah kita menentang mereka. Oleh kerana itulah kita menghadapi mereka. Oleh itulah kita cuba berlawan dengan mereka.

"Perjuangan kita adalah jihad, ucapan kita adalah jihad, derma kita adalah jihad. Bergantunglah kita kepada Allah dengan (menghadapi) puak-puak ini kerana kalau kita mati melawan puak-puak ini, mati kita adalah syahid. Mati kita adalah Islam. Kita tidak perlu masuk Buddha, kita tidak perlu masuk Hindu, kita tidak perlu masuk Kristian, tapi kita menjadi kafir dengan mengamalkan politik suku, agama suku."

(Our fight against Umno is not because they are called Umno. Our fight against BN is not because they have been the ruling party for a long time. We oppose them because they maintained the colonialists' Constitution, maintained the infidels' laws, maintained the rules of the ignorant. This is why we oppose them.

(Our struggle is jihad. Our speeches are jihad. Our donations are jihad. We depend on Allah [in facing] them because if we die fighting them, our deaths [will be considered] martyrdom. Our deaths will be Islamic. We don't need to be Buddhists, nor Hindu, nor Christians, but will be infidels if we practice politics based on race and religion.)

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