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Teresa Kok: DAP re-election set for Sept 10 may be postponed

DAP vice-president Teresa Kok said that the party's leadership re-election, which was proposed to be held on Sept 10, might have to be postponed.

The election can only be held after the Registrar of Societies (ROS) issues the DAP an official notice approving the date.

Following a meeting with ROS director-general Mohammad Razin Abdullah yesterday, Kok said they were told that the letter of notice would be given in "a day or two".

"We need time to send letters to all our delegates. We are eager to have the party election on Sept 10, but we have to wait for the letter, today or tomorrow, from the ROS - or we will have to postpone the election date," she told a press conference at the DAP headquarters in Kuala Lumpur today...

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