Fourteen years after resigning as Kubang Pasu Umno division chief, former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad returned to his once political stronghold in Kedah for a breaking of fast event.
In a blog posting, he said a large number of Kubang Pasu Umno members had attended the function and it saddened him to know they were still in Umno.
The 92-year-old politician and seven-term Kubang Pasu MP told his audience that the Umno he had joined and later led for more than two decades is different than the present Umno.
According to him, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has hijacked Umno and is using it as a tool to shield alleged wrongdoings.
He also alleged that Umno members are bribed with government and 1MDB funds for their continued support for the party president.
Describing it as “Umno Najib”, Mahathir claimed the party no longer struggles for the Malay race, Islam and Malaysia...