Report: N Korea violated international sanctions through M'sia
Published:  Mar 29, 2017 10:56 AM
Updated: 5:29 AM

Police are looking into a Malaysian business that had used North Korean workers to build houses in Africa, as part of the allegations that North Korea has violated international sanctions through Malaysian businesses.

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported today that the North Korean director of the company travels in North Korean diplomatic vehicles when he is in Malaysia and Africa, according to a person familiar with the company's activities.

"The company has earned tens of millions of dollars or more on construction projects in Angola and Zambia over the past decade, according to two analysts who separately evaluated the company's business operations.

"The company has strong ties to the North Korean government, according to several North Korea experts, including one of the analysts, Park Syung-je, chairperson of the Asia Strategy Institute, a Seoul research centre," WSJ reported.

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