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YOURSAY | ‘Why should a report on her spendthrift behaviour be likened to an attack on the nation?’

MIC: WSJ report on Rosmah like terrorist attack on M'sia

Vijay47: MIC treasurer-general S Vell Paari, your sudden resurrection can only mean that MIC had been sternly reprimanded by its masters for its long silence in the face of the continuous barrage from the opposition, foreign newspapers, and even from within BN.

Hence you have now popped up to show that when the need arises, you too can dance like attorney-general (AG) Mohamed Apandi Ali. What confuses is your emulating not someone with at least minimal intelligence but Umno icons like Salleh Said Keruak, Ismail Sabri Yaakob, and Abdul Rahman Dahlan.

Supporting Rosmah Mansor in her tribulations may make her embrace you to her ample bosom, but rid of her hairstyle and her handbags, she remains a common housewife. So tell me, how has she become a symbol of national sovereignty?

The Wall Street Journal's latest report was not plucked out of the air, it is based on actual documents and that it makes her and you uncomfortable hardly depreciates the report's accuracy.

As suggested all along, if WSJ is lying, sue their pants off. Utusan Malaysia can vouch for the woes that could arise.

Tholu: Dear Vell Paari, if attempts to destroy our country politically and economically is akin to an act of terrorism and an attempt to undermine the country's sovereignty, then MO1 (Malaysian Official 1), 1MDB, Jho Low and Riza Aziz together with the cabinet ministers and Umno members are all terrorists for sabotaging and vitiating the country’s democracy and causing severe blow to the nation's economic position and foreign investor confidence.

And Vell Paari, can you support your claim with evidence to prove that WSJ is lying or be yourself accused of lying and letting your claim be merely a figment of your unbridled imagination.

Inworldnotof: One can assume from this episode and similar outbursts from similar sycophantic sorts that the pets and appointees of the chosen one in Umno and component parties of BN do not read at all.

Not the MSM (mainstream media) but reports beyond our shores. Taking the trouble to find out about what's really happening is hard work.

CQ Muar: Vell Paari, who are the "terrorists", and who is destroying the nation after multi-billions being siphoned out of 1MDB and allegedly into MO1's private accounts?

What kind of a MIC spokesperson are you if you can't even see the truth?

You are at liberty to defend the government under the leadership of Najib Razak for all we care, but don't do it by exposing and displaying your ignorance and stupidity.

Middle Path: Vell Paari, how could revealing the truth of how taxpayers’ money had been allegedly plundered be akin to a terrorist attack on Malaysia?

Really, where's the logic? MIC should spend more time taking more care of the Indian community instead of getting into the good books of Rosmah.

Justine Gow: Since when has the Imelda Marcos-like personality become a pillar of the nation that a news report on her spendthrift behaviour can be likened to an attack on the nation?

I would think that the report is doing a great service to the country.

Odin Tajué: I stand corrected, but I gather that Vell Paari is the son of former MIC chief S Samy Vellu.

I also gather that Samy was such a great apple polisher to Dr Mahathir Mohamad when the latter was the prime minister that each time even before he (Mahathir) could finish his sentence, he (Samy) would say “I agree.”

Apple polishing seems to run in the family. It’s a clear case of like father like son. Oh, incidentally, wasn’t this the same fellow who once ran the party’s investment fund Maika - and ran it to the ground or something equally disastrous?

Mushiro: I googled and found out that the most trusted American news outlets in America, according to a new study from Pew Research Center, are WSJ and the The New York Times.

Vell Paari is not even elected in MIC, he is an appointed treasurer-general.

Pemerhati: Vell Paari’s main aim in making those extremely stupid and idiotic comments was to gain the attention and please the alleged biggest thief in the country and his wife in the hope that the alleged thief would grant him and his kleptocratic father some favours and perhaps also give some ‘dedak’ at the same time.

He seems also to have gained the attention of many Malaysiakini readers, which has resulted in 132 comments so far.

It is a sheer waste of time and effort to reply to the nonsensical and idiotic comments by PM Najib’s shameless and unprincipled sycophants like Vell Paari, Abdul Rahman, Salleh Keruak, Khairy Jamaluddin, etc.

Hardboiled: A senior MIC leader has put out an opinion of such low standing and coercive ignorance, that it has once again shown that not only Umno is detrimental to the country but its component parties too.

Guilty by association doesn't seem like a tall order anymore.

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