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DOJ lawsuit conspiracy of lies to attack gov't, says lawyer Quintin Rozario

The civil suit filed by the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) to seize assets acquired with funds alleged to have been misappropriated from 1MDB is a conspiracy of lies to attack the Malaysian government, said a litigation lawyer.

Malaysian-born Quintin Rozario, who is based in Brisbane, Australia, also accused US attorney-general Loretta Lynch of bullying the government.

"This is bully, what she (Lynch) has done is bully. I would have to say that this is a conspiracy of lies to attack the country," he said in a round-table discussion on the suit at a hotel in Petaling Jaya today.

He said that if the DOJ wanted to seize the assets, there was a law for doing so in the US, and she should not be making allegations against Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and the government.

Rozario said there was no evidence of misappropriation of 1MDB funds as claimed in the recently filed lawsuit.

"They just made a bold statement. There is no evidence. They have been attacking people and making allegations without checking the facts."

Rozario, who said that he was attending the discussion voluntarily and was not being paid, challenged the DOJ to prove its allegations by adducing evidence.

"I have always taken the view that anybody who has an accusation or allegation, whether here or in Australia, had better have the proof, or admissible evidence, not just coffee shop tales. You got to prove or you would be possibly defaming the people that you speak of," he said.

He said nobody had a right to interfere in the affairs of a country, and all should respect its sovereignty.

The other participants in the discussion were Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim, who had been a special adviser to he United Nations secretary-general, and advocate and solicitor Noorhajran Mohd Noor.

- Bernama

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