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A manufactured hurt to divert attention from 1MDB exposé?

YOURSAY | ‘Throwing yellow balloons is deemed offensive but throwing hell notes is not.’

'DAP must die' - Umno protesters cast hell notes

Commentable: Clearly these are paid actors, creating an over-dramatic drama to distract the public from real issues as the 1MDB scandal heats up. Do you notice that as the heat is turned up a notch higher, so does the drama?

From the time Abu Dhabi-based International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) took 1MDB and the Finance Ministry to arbitration until the recent Sarawak Report revelation, Umno-BN was busy stoking everything that can be stoked.

Arresting Penang CM Lim Guan Eng was one of them. As if that is not enough, now they use hell notes to provoke the DAP, knowingly that such provocation will be offensive to the Chinese, even if they are not DAP members.

Strangely enough, throwing yellow balloons is deemed offensive but throwing hell notes at someone's face is not.

More puzzling is the fact that the Umno chief in Penang wanted a small shrine in a park to be removed, as she claimed it will confuse the Malays aka the Muslims, but here we have a crowd of red shirt Malays from the Umno clan throwing Chinese hell notes up in the air. So no confusion here?

Anonymous 1890491455255851: What is wrong with these Umno Youth members? Why do they always think they should ‘violently’ defend their race and religion? Is such behaviour the best way to present their case?

Well, it certainly does not make rational-thinking people sympathise with them. It just casts an ugly light on them as people.

Ipohcrite: Does Islam teach them to believe in such things as casting hell notes and hurling curses? Isn't that forsaking their own religion and tarnishing the image of Islam? Now we know who the real enemies of Islam are.

Boonpou: Say what you want about these pathetic souls, about those who possess a certain pathological mindset. Nothing you say (or do) will defeat them unless the Malay Muslims themselves in Malaysia speak out and do something about it.

This is not a fight between Malays and non-Malays as non-Malays know very well they can't win.

This is an internal struggle among the Malays themselves, among those who possess a sound mind and rationality and those who don't. Among those Malays who are proud of their identities, their heritage, their history and those who do not.

This is the real dilemma the Malays are currently facing. Can you allow these pathetic souls to represent you? Speak out, do something.

Anonymous_40bb: People who buy hell notes have the divine right and authority to do so because it is meant for their deceased family members.

The person who buys them is blessed for doing so and the Guardian of Hell will not hold them responsible for any unfortunate mishaps. However, these goons who buy them for political protests will not be blessed.

BohChaiSee: Soon the hell notes will be more valuable than the ringgit if this nonsense is allowed to go on.

Red shirts descend on DAP HQ, see red over police blockade

Gaji Buta: To me, the caricature allegedly posted by Taiping MP Nga Kor Ming has nothing to do with Islam as it is referring to people who celebrate Raya accepting ‘dedak’ as 'duit raya'.

A Malay person may get offended as it implies that some among them are willing to take bribes, more so if it is made into a subject of jokes, especially by someone from another race.

The problem is many in Malaysia are unable to differentiate between the Malay race and Islam, that they think it is one and the same.

One simple test would be to ask yourself if Muslims in other countries are offended by this caricature. If not, then it is not a religious matter.

Anyway, has Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) verified if the caricature indeed came from Nga?

Bluemountains: This is probably the first time the Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) is found to be at a loss on what to do with just 200 protesters. What has happened to their batons and water cannons? Were they caught by surprise?

Disgusted: All these thugs have been unleashed by none other than their supreme leader just to create a diversion from the news that is coming out from Sarawak Report regarding 1MDB.

He knows he is cornered and is desperate to create tension such that he can declare emergency and smother the opposition.

Hplooi: This is exactly the kind of harassment and political thuggery visited on the DAP and CM of !Penang.

And yet DAP and the CM are labelled as arrogant, a braggart and a 'tokong' by the Umno fascists from day one.

Concerned Public: I am a Malay, and I am ashamed of this show of power. Why are they not at work like everybody else?

Why are they turning such a small issue into a racial one? Who is financing them? What a bunch of no good ruffians and bullies!

What is our country turning into? Where are all the Umno leaders? Is this all worth it? Come on Melayu, you are embarrassing your race, and even the police looked apologetic.

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