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One wonders which WSJ Salleh Keruak is reading

YOURSAY | 'You are talking rubbish. When did WSJ exonerate 1MDB?'

Salleh dares Dr M to repeat 1MDB allegations during campaign

Anonymous 1890491455255851: The auditor-general reported that apparently US$7 billion had gone missing.

Millions that went into the PM's bank accounts from 1MDB-linked SRC International has not been explained. Millions paid to an alleged Jho Low-owned company has not been explained.

A bank linked to fraudulent activities has been shut down in Singapore. The Public Accounts Committee chairperson omits information in the PAC report without the committee members’ knowledge.

Meanwhile, the government pretends nothing is real and it's all perception.

Rick Teo: Communications and Multimedia Minister Salleh Said Keruak, you are talking rubbish. When did The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) exonerate 1MDB?

The WSJ has all along maintained that the donation to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak purportedly from the Arabs was indeed money they allege had been siphoned out from 1MDB.

They have even alleged that money to sponsor the movie 'The Wolf of Wall Street' was transferred from 1MDB to a British Virgin Islands offshore firm for Najib's stepson Riza Aziz to make the film.

Chloh: WSJ says there is no evidence? Are you sure, Salleh? Which article are you referring to?

Surely not the one about the Bank Negara letter on Good Star, or the one about money being used to fund ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’?

Perhaps my grasp of English is inferior to Salleh’s. My impression from WSJ is the complete opposite. I guess we all need to go back to school.

Middle Path: Indeed, Salleh, which WSJ that you read which reported that there was no wrongdoing in 1MDB?

WSJ and whistleblower website Sarawak Report had reported that 1MDB was allegedly used to swindle the Malaysian taxpayers' monies. Aren't those reports clear enough?

Rupert16: This must be a figment of Salleh’s imagination or he is smoking something.

Second, why wait for former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad to repeat the 1MDB corruption allegations against Najib, when Najib can sue him any time since Mahathir has stood by his allegations on this matter?

Kamikasi: This minister is also an adviser to Najib. Now you know why the country is a pariah state now.

Hello, Dr M has been vocal against your boss since day one. He will repeat the allegations, and let's see what you will do about it.

Fairnsquare: To hide the news exposed by WSJ alleging that Jho Low owns Good Star, which received taxpayers' money meant for investment in PetroSaudi International, the government has come up with the Hudud Bill fiasco, and we are distracted because hudud will affect our lives.

The Hudud Bill was fast-tracked ahead of the looming by-elections, and this happened after the WSJ reported that Bank Negara had allegedly confirmed that Good Star was owned by Jho Low.

Minister Azalina Othman Said has stated in Parliament that the lines containing information about Good Star had been redacted from the PAC report on 1MDB because the matter is under the Official Secrets Act (OSA).

Coincidentally, the Hudud Bill was rushed through by Azalina. Therefore, the Hudud Bill is not about religion but about Good Star, or rather the suppression of information about Good Star and its links with Jho Low.

Astounded: So the secret is out, thanks to Salleh. The reason for this last-minute fast-tracking of Abdul Hadi Awang's Private Member's Bill is to trap Amanah. But let's see who is going to have the last laugh.

As regard the so-called confirmation of no wrongdoing by 1MDB, Salleh seems to be very good at peddling half-truths. The principal player in this whole 1MDB saga has turned out to be not only corrupt but also the corruptor.

Perak Boleh: I challenge you, Salleh, and your boss to sue WSJ immediately since you always claim that WSJ has slandered your boss in the 1MDB saga, to clear our country's name.

Kamal19: Salleh, have you informed the Swiss, Singapore and US authorities that the Malaysian attorney-general, the PAC and WSJ have all confirmed there is no evidence of misappropriation or wrongdoing in 1MDB?

Tulan Salleh: Salleh, the whole country already knows who are the culprits in Malaysia. There is no need for Mahathir to say anything.

The only ones who don't know are all the apple-polishers in Umno like you.

Justine Gow: Nothing much has been done to convincingly dispel the allegations. Therefore, the allegations stand at the moment, even if no one repeats them.

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