SATIRE The cat from the future, Doraemon, has offered the use of his Pintu Suka Hati dimensional door to opposition leaders currently banned from entering Sarawak in the run-up to the state election.
"I heard about it from my friend Ubah, or rather Warrior Ubah, as he is now known. He told me that party leaders from PKR, DAP and Amanah are being banned from entering the state.
"I find that sad and pathetic on the part of the powers that be. Even Ubah's human father was banned.
"So I decided to offer my dimensional door. As some of you may already know, the Pintu Suka Hat i allows a person to open it and step through the doorway to whatever destination his or her heart desires," the cyber cat extraordinaire told Malaysiakini when met at the protest against use of ostrich skin in hand bags yesterday.
Doraemon explained that his door does not really break any law. It just bends the rules of physics, stretching time and distance into a single point continuum, so to speak.
"Even I don't know how it really works. You have to ask Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on that," Doraemon said, sniping at Trudeau who topped his earlier handstand antics with an explanation on quantum computing.
"From what I hear, I like Uncle Kit and Brother Pua too, which is why I think I should help them. Ubah spoke very highly of them," the cyber cat added.
Reaching into his multi-dimensional pocket, which stores his many gadgets, the cat from the future took out the doorway to demonstrate. And true enough, when stepped through, it can allow one to reach into Sarawak, bypassing the immigration checkpoints.
Malaysiakini has contacted the Canadian PM for his explanation as how the Pintu Suka Hati works and is awaiting his explanation.
After a hearty meal of Kolok mee, Doraemon then used the door to whisk the party back to the peninsula.
"I have reached out to Warrior Ubah and am awaiting his response on what the opposition leaders think of the idea," said Doraemon, who is currently on holiday in Malaysia pending the release of his new movie, "Doraemon and the case of the missing payments".