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‘You can't win a war behind bars, Rafizi’

YOURSAY | ‘Tactically, it's a mistake that you had to reveal the OSA document.’

Rafizi exposes classified document on LTAT

Anonymous_1371518356: Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli, I am sure you have evaluated all other possible means to disclose this document before deciding to do it by your good self.

(Potentially) losing a good MP like you is more damaging to the rakyat compared to having insight to this Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT)-1MDB deal.

1MDB is already notorious globally, so why take such risk, YB? You should stay put and continue to influence Pakatan Harapan and lead the people toward the institutional change.

Anonymous_3e79: You can't win a war behind bars, Rafizi. Tactically, it's a mistake that you had to reveal it.

Expose it, yes. But it should be leaked anonymously to ABC News and other world presses. Or give it to former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad, as they would not arrest him.

Ipoh Pp: Rafizi has been pushed to the wall and with no answers forthcoming, he had to do what’s painful for him and his family.

As long as the government hides behind the Official Secrets Act (OSA) on issues which are not of national interest, the rakyat will suffer the pain of corruption.

Anonymous 2362021442199789: If the local media will not report on it, we will just have to wait for the foreign media to do the job.

After all, we are also waiting for the foreign investigations to make known their findings since we can no longer depend on the domestic investigations. What a sorry state of affairs.

Chouseefatt: Rafizi, the nation owes you a tremendous debt of gratitude for your courage, integrity and fortitude. How can so many tolerate the arrogance, greed and dishonesty of the privileged few?

TheAnonymous: A case of balls of steel vs balls of steal.

1MDB: Probe Rafizi, he’s no whistleblower

Vijay47: 1MDB, it is only to be expected that you would vehemently respond to Rafizi's action in making public the LTAT documents, but the speed with which you came out all guns blazing reminds us of the alacrity with which the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) acted against Penang CM Lim Guan Eng.

Nevertheless, you do admit now that payments to Perbadanan Perwira Harta Malaysia (PPHM) had been outstanding, which again reminds us of the police chief’s 'parang' defence that what he said was true then and thus he could do nothing if truth changed its colours with time.

You further allege that the "so-called link" is a lie which Rafizi tried to pass off as a fact. Unfortunately for 1MDB, the records reveal that most, if not all, things that Rafizi tried to pass off as facts were proven in time to be just that, facts.

Wira: 1MDB, defend your position with explanations and data. Don't hide behind oppressive laws because you are using public money.

Firestone: Rafizi isn't that dumb to be exposing the document and making the statement without legal advice - it's definitely a touch-and-go case and he is just pushing the envelope.

They can throw the book at him but can they deny that document is genuine? If they claim it’s an OSA document, then it’s genuine - that means the auditor-general did indeed pen the document.

Dalvik: That's the modus operandi. When accused, simply said people are lying. When shown fact, they call the police to take action.

ABC programme on Najib claims new details on funds in his accounts

Commentable: The idiom "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" should also include journalists, especially international ones. Najib should have learnt that by now - so don't forget - hell hath no fury like a journalist scorned.

Foreign journalists and news media are not interested to topple just any PM of a sovereign country; they only want the bad ones to account. Particularly the one who has such a long string of corrupted money trail that it is not going to go away from their front-page headlines in the foreseeable future.

Yes, Umno's demise is definitely marked and it is going to sink together with the Bugis ship.

Pemerhati: Najib has very similar dictatorial powers as current dictator Bashar al-Assad of Syria and former dictators Muammar Gaddafi of Libya and Saddam Hussein of Iraq.

These current and former dictators were able to do anything illegal they wanted and no one in the country dared to stop them from doing so.

It took a long time and a lot of foreign help to get rid of Saddam and Gaddafi. It remains to be seen how Najib and Assad are removed.

GE14Now!: I do not really mind if the days are numbered for just one person - but that is not so in this case.

Because of one person, namely the PM, the country's days are numbered and that does not bode well for the nation.

What this country needs are people who can think and who can logically deduce right from wrong, and not be just another mindless minion who runs to protect his master.

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