YOURSAY | ‘So where do we get verified news? From Utusan Malaysia, New Straits Times, The Star - all propaganda mouthpieces...’
Practise self-censorship on the Internet, minister urges
Free and Fair Election : I do a lot of self-censorship. I don't believe the RM2.6 billion found in Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's account is a donation. I don't believe it’s an investment. I don't believe Najib returned a portion back. I don't believe any Saudi prince donated the money.
I don't believe Najib has nothing to do with murdered Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu. I don't believe Najib and all his coterie are not corrupted. And the self-censorship goes on and on.
Roguekiller : Communications and Multimedia Minister Salleh Said Keruak, if someone stops stealing, there would not be much news to circulate. There is a saying in Chinese, if one cannot controls one's own chicks, it is pointless to control the eagle.
You understand what this means, Salleh? I don't think a fellow like you knows what that means. So tell certain people to stop stealing, there would be no news and no need to censor at all.
Whatsup : Minister, why don't you, your fellow cabinet members and party members practise democracy, respecting our constitution and rakyat's voice and rights, telling the truth, respecting the laws, and honesty, for a start?
The Analyser : For how many generations have Malaysians had their decisions imposed on them by others? For how many generations has the Umno government thought that Malaysians are incapable of self-censorship so they have taken over the role of censor for everyone, imposing their standards on the nation? Now you want them to self-censor.
SSDhaliwal : So where do we get verified news? From Utusan Malaysia, New Straits Times, The Star - all propaganda mouthpieces, certainly not Sarawak Report and The Wall Steet Journal , right?
Mojo Jojo : An alleged body-snatching case in Sarikei, Salleh? Wouldn't be the first time we heard of that. Didn't something similar occurred when the religious authorities came to a Hindu funeral of a deceased Everest mountaineer and 'appropriated' his cadaver in the name of the religion of peace, love and harmony?
Oh, silly propaganda czar, when are you going to learn that like life, the Internet will get you someday.
Look at the brickbats Nurulhidayah Ahmad Zahid received when defending her daddy's policies, such comedy.
Bornean : Salleh, Salleh, don't teach a duck to swim.
Zeti confident Bank Negara will stay independent
Alunan Ombak : Bank Negara Malaysia governor Zeti Akhtar Aziz, who are you to give assurances that after your retirement, Bank Negara will remain independent? You will be a has-been then! Even when you are still around, Bank Negara has not been independent.
You have still not replied to the many questions raised in the media pertaining to Bank Negara. Worse, you have given the impression that you are shielding the wrongdoings of our top politician.
How could people say that Bank Negara under your governorship is independent when your "unfinished job" is conveniently kicked to the next governor? You are in want of moral courage to do an excellent job as Bank Negara governor. Shame on you, Zeti.
Mafeeah : Zeti, very much disagree. You are trying to be optimistic but it does not go down well with us. Just look at the other institutions. You call them independent? In fact after some episodes, I still wonder if Bank Negara is truly independent?
Hcleong : Dear Zeti, do not mention or give us assurance of what will happen upon your retirement. Even with your presence now at the helm of Bank Negara, you have allowed billions of ringgit going in and out of the country without taking serious action. Do only the ordinary rakyat follow the rules and regulations?
So after your findings and report were sent to the attorney-general (AG), what has happened? You ask for money to be brought back to Malaysia, so what? How could Bank Negara allow billions to be rewired out of the country without your knowledge? Tell us all before your retirement to gain back our respect and trust of Bank Negara.
Sax5lek : I beg to differ with you, Zeti. In this Bolehland and its current federal administration, there will surely be a major reshuffle in Bank Negara and the kangaroos will be appointed at all levels of Bank Negara’s administrative structure. Then, it will be ‘bye-bye’ for Bolehland’s financial integrity.
Alipak : Zeti, I hope you are not dreaming. The institutional checks and balances have been gradually dismantled since the days of Apanama (former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad).
Anonyxyz : This is a joke. They are appointed by politicians. How to explain the RM2.6 billion or whatever can pass through Bank Negara so easily?
Anonymous #45522856 : What accountability are you talking about when billions zip in and out of the country without being red flagged?
Pat88 : Do you recall when she said during a conference not long ago, that she could be arrested if she talks about an individual account? Is it what you call independence?
Tan Kim Keong : Why the need for the assurance? Simply because concerns raised by economists and analysts regarding independence are real. Just look at the appointment of the head of the Attorney-General's Chambers.
Keldai Malaysia (Dulu Harimau Malaysia) : Stay independent, and silent, and close one eye.
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