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COMMENT Over the past few days the world press has been filled with two different - and very damaging - stories about Malaysia. The first concerned attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali’s decision to close the case on the mysterious RM2.6 billion that was deposited in Prime Minister Najib Razak’s personal bank account.

I say “mysterious,” because it still has never been explained who gave the money to Najib, what it was for, what they expected in return for such a huge sum, and why - if it was a “gift” to Najib and the nation - most of it was later transferred back overseas, to an unknown destination and for an unknown purpose.

Where is the money today, and who controls it? If the money really was for Umno or for combating ISIS influence in Malaysia, then it should still be in Malaysia. But it is not.

If, as others have suggested, it was for the general elections and to counter the influence of PAS because of its alleged connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, then why are Najib and Umno cosying up to PAS today?

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