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‘Not driven by money but by honest journalism’

YOURSAY | ‘Malaysiakini deserves and needs your support to remain financially independent.’

Malaysiakini not for sale, say co-founders

Aries46: Thanks Malaysiakini for the insight into how the news portal has grown and sustained itself despite staying neutral and independent without political patronage and crony influence that has enabled its readers to enjoy the fruits of press freedom unlike the politically compliant mainstream media.

What allure Malaysiakini readers, I believe, are its fair, objective and thought provoking presentation and the facility for readers to comment our own responses.

Malaysiakini invokes a sense of belonging and this in turn cultivates loyalty, which I believe has encouraged its subscribers to have stayed true through the years.

Congratulations are in order to the Malaysiakini team and its honchos – chief executive officer Premesh Chandran and editor-in-chief Steven Gan - and in particular to all those who have sacrificed the lures of more attractive pay and perks in other media organisations to serve the Malaysiakini cause.

Vijay47: Going by its track record, Malaysiakini has proven quite ably that it is beholden to none in its commitment to present balanced and factual news.

Steven, Premesh, and the Malaysiakini team must be complimented for hanging in there and slugging it out despite the financial challenges it faces.

On a more trivial note, I am glad to see that in the family photo above, the editor-in-chief and chief executive officer are not perched on some obscenely huge chairs in the forefront, they are somewhere at the back, lost among the natives.

FellowMalaysian: I salute Premesh and Steven for their reassuring words that they will ensure that Malaysiakini will remain an independent news portal free from the clutches and control of politically-motivated business tycoons.

We Malaysians have seen one too many how mainstream newspapers churned out garbage and censored news once these self-serving persons or parties acquire them.

If a media organisation is unable to assure its readers its independence and freedom in its reporting, then its readers will only be able to read manufactured news.

Oxymoronictendencies: Huge plaudits and kudos to Premesh, Steven and the awesome crew at Malaysiakini . They are not for sale. Never have been. Never will be.

They are not driven by the material wealth and greed that drive the Umno political and media machine. They are driven by honest journalism and the need to maintain a free press.

They deserve and need your support to remain financially independent and to be able to deliver our collective dream.

Subscribe today and keep at least one Malaysian news portal honest and independent. And Malaysian.

Wandering Star: Words coming out from the owners of Malaysiakini are written in gold. We have no reason to doubt their integrity and dignity. For better or worse, we shall walk the road to freedom together.

Sirach: I’m glad to know that Malaysiakini will continue to be independent. It is a welcome beacon of credibility in the sea of compromised mainstream journalism.

VP Biden: I have been accessing Malaysiakini when it started in 1999 and had no qualms paying when subscription started.

I have no issues renewing my subscription as long as Malaysiakini maintains its independence and ethical journalism, and I'm sure Malaysiakini will uphold both as the vultures circle above.

Obiwan: Yes, if required, we don’t mind paying a higher subscription. It is tiny price to pay for a better Malaysia.

We Are Concerned: Malaysiakini , we salute you. Take heart. Be strong and courageous. We need you more than you need us. You are an integral part our march for freedom, justice and good governance.

Mr RiGhT: So Malaysiakini is not for sale but it should be closed down because it publishes articles without facts.

Victor Johan: Mr RiGhT, there are many who chose to contribute and subscribe to Malaysiakini to get the news and views that matter, and of course, news that is factual and reliable.

Perhaps you can with your intellectual traits kindly point out when did Malaysiakini “publish articles without facts”?

Anyway, it’s good that you subscribe to Malaysiakini where you can post and share your comments, however ridiculous your thoughts are.

Do get more of your kind to support and finance Malaysiakini so the rest can read, think and peruse the issues afflicting the country.

GE14NOW!: Keep up the good work, Malaysiakini . And we also extend our thanks to all those feckless Umno cyber troopers who also contribute to the financial viability of the news portal.

They would not be able to see facts even if such said facts were to bite them in their posterior.

YOM: Take heart from the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign in the US. Millions of little citizens enable him to raise US$33 million and free him from the evil of Wall Street and other big forces.

Mudippavan: Malaysiakini , don’t worry about money. Your subscribers are ever ready to contribute if you face financial difficulties. Carry on the noble cause for the peoples of Malaysia.

Appum: Your words of assurances have cemented our belief in you all the more.

But if, a big IF, you sell yourselves to some big political proxy, I shall bring my hammer and chisel to chip out my name from the brick I bought.

Ah-hah!!!: If there's a second ‘Buy a Brick’ campaign, count me in for another brick, please.

The above is a selection of comments posted by Malaysiakini subscribers. Only paying subscribers can post comments. Over the past one year, Malaysiakinians have posted over 100,000 comments. Join the Malaysiakini community and help set the news agenda. Subscribe now .

These comments are compiled to reflect the views of Malaysiakini subscribers on matters of public interest. Malaysiakini does not intend to represent these views as fact.

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