'Internet censorship, pornography unaffected under TPPA'

The government's control over Internet censorship and import of pornographic films will not be affected under the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), International Trade and Industry Minister Mustapa Mohamed said.

He noted that the government still had the right to monitor, censor or restrict any negative elements which were brought in through social media that could harm consumers or the people.

Certain quarters have expressed concern over Internet access restriction and the government's right over censorship of foreign materials, fearing proliferation of pornography, he told reporters following a state-level TPPA session in Malacca today.

Malacca Chief Minister Idris Haron and Deputy International Trade and Industry Minister Ahmad Maslan were also present.

Mustapa stressed that even though the TPPA member states were prohibited from imposing censorship on Internet content, Malaysia's participation in the trade pact would not affect its right to filter foreign content - including that of movies and magazines.


"This has been included in the list of exemptions under the Investment Chapter and the Cross Border Trade Chapter.

"So the import and distribution of books, magazines, newspapers, art material and films in the local market is subjected to the Malaysian law, including the suitability of broadcast content," he pointed out.

He added that approval was required for any art and cultural activities, filming and foreign artist performance and they must comply with the rulings stipulated by the Central Agency for Application of Filming and Performance by Foreign Artistes.

Meanwhile he said the people's acceptance of the TPPA was becoming more positive, following the exposure and information given by the government.

"We've gone to almost all the states and the acceptance from various groups - including the opposition - was good. This initiative is a very constructive process in addressing concerns over the TPPA," he said.

- Bernama

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