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Umno’s twisted logic - if Dr M is corrupt, so too can Najib

YOURSAY | ‘The truth is that there are none who are righteous in Umno - not a single one.’

Pro-Najib portal takes a dig at 'pure Malay' Dr M

Anonymous$&@?: This is further proof and admission from a pro-Umno portal that the government led by Umno has been plundering the country rather than working for the welfare of its citizens.

The irony of this is that pro-Umno groups like MyKMU would only revealed the plundering when it serves their purpose; otherwise they deemed that such plundering as their birthright.

Mushiro: After 22 years of Dr Mahathir Mohamad's reign as PM and Umno president, and more than 10 years since he stepped down as the country’s leader, did the voice of Umno, MyKMU, realise Mahathir's non-Malayness, not Islamic practices, unfair rule, cronyism, etc.

Was MyKMU sleeping all these years or have they suddenly found their manhood? Or is it because Mahathir has not stopped hammering at the current Umno leadership?

Notsoshiningarmour: It is as though MyKMU is saying, ‘Mahathir was corrupt, so what if Najib is?’ That is exactly what it seems to imply.

Most Malaysians have no doubt in their minds that all that is going on in this country with Najib is possible only because Mahathir changed the goalposts.

Hang Babeuf: Dr M says that Najib cannot be trusted; Najib says that Dr M cannot be trusted. Who is telling the truth? Perhaps they are both right.

GE14Now!: The truth is that there are none who are righteous in Umno - not a single one. Those in leadership positions are there not to serve the country but to enrich themselves.

The party is a bane, a curse on the nation and it needs to be gotten rid of now. We need Umno as much as we need a cancer.

AeganKing: Every time Mahathir takes a swipe at Najib for his supposed wrongdoings, Mahathir should realise he was multiple folds worse.

Maybe this is nature’s way of making Mahathir witness the damage he has caused to this beautiful country.

Mahathir should start reflecting on this before issuing further remarks because he definitely is coming across as someone suffering from dementia.

Anonymous 637541435986091: If these pro-Najib people wants to take a dig at Tun, and that they didn't do anything about it before, it’s their problem.

Tun is history. We are here today talking about the present - Najib's problems and wrongdoings.

And that's what we are concerned about, and even Tun has the right to condemn him... as the present Najib did not do anything about the past Tun.

Kingfisher: Such veiled hints and accusatory remarks posted by a pro-Umno portal allied to the present Umno president and directed at a former Umno president seems quite revealing of the greed-induced squabbles and personality conflicts among those who held very senior leadership of national governance for some 30 years.

What is most disturbing to ordinary Malaysians is the perception that in the end it is quite evident that these disputes are portrayed as ultimate instruments to serve the social, political and psychological needs of influential personalities within the party.

Meanwhile, a nation with so much potential and promise continues to languish.

Anonymous_5fb: They are now trying to justify who are the lesser devils instead of repenting for their wrongs and do good from now on.

Instead, they are trying to blame each other and hold tightly on the power entrusted by the rakyat. They are the bunch of people who are drown in a sea of greed, hatred, ignorance and arrogance.

They put themselves as greater than the constitution, the king and the country, and they forget at the end of day, they will have to face their maker.

Debater: It is time to move to a non-racial-based politics and political party-based system.

Please note that not only Dr M's bloodline is non-Malay but half the leaders of Umno Baru are ‘neo-Malays’ - just a couple of generations of descendants of Indians and Indonesians.

Some non-Malays have been in Malaysia a lot longer than these ‘neo-Malays’.

Anonymous 122461436161429: There is really no Malay race and the Malays are in denial about this and wish to create a race which was not in existence, unlike the Indians and Chinese who have hundreds of years of history.

The only indigenous natives of Malaysia are the Orang Asli and they are treated like third-class citizens.

As for the MyKMU blog, we would like to thank them for bringing to public attention and knowledge that Umno was dirty, corrupt and racist before, is dirty, racist and corrupt now and will continue to be corrupt, dirty and racist in the future, and hence must be eradicated from the face of this earth, once and for all.

Semua Boleh - Bodoh pun Boleh: So Dr M is not pure Malay. So are Najib and DPM Ahmad Zahid Hamidi - both have publicly declared their Indonesian background. So how now, MyKMU?

Worldly Wise: The lesson here is that people living in glass houses should not throw stones, unless they come out of it first.

But how to come out? Indeed, two wrongs do not make a right.

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