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Pro-Najib portal takes a dig at 'pure Malay' Dr M
Published:  Jan 7, 2016 3:00 PM
Updated: 9:20 AM

A pro-Umno portal aligned to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has unleashed another scathing salvo on former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

In the latest round, even took a sarcastic dig at his bloodline. There are claims that his paternal ancestors could be traced back to Kerala, India.

“I am sure nobody knows Tun M’s secrets and past. I am certain even if we know his background, everything would be rosy. What more since he never kept secrets from us, right?

“We know Tun M is a pure Malay ( berketurunan Melayu tulen ).

“He leads a more pious life than the late (PAS spiritual leader) Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat. Check his personal accounts, he is poor, right?

“We also know Tun M never had cronies. He never helped his children and close friends, to the point that they are in the doldrums, right?” said the writer.

The article also featured an image of the top 20 billionaires in Malaysia, which includes Mahathir’s son Mokhzani.

Continuing the snide, the article also said Mahathir, during his 22-year tenure as prime minister, was transparent in terms of contracts and administration.

“He never gave contracts based on direct negotiations to anyone. In fact, all government contracts during his time were advertised in the newspapers.

“During his tenure, there were no leakages, embezzlement or abuse of power.

“What more, when those in his cabinet committed wrongdoings, he (Mahathir) would be the hero who took legal action against them,” it added.

The article was in response to Mahathir’s recent claim that he knows numerous secrets about Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

However, the former premier declined to reveal details.

Meanwhile, the article also criticised Mahathir for alluding that Najib’s wife Rosmah Mansor sought mystical favours from bomohs or shamans, and described it as an act of desperation by the former premier.

Mahathir has been campaigning for Najib’s removal, accusing his former protege of numerous wrongdoings.

The prime minister has denied the allegations, and in turn, claimed there is a plot to topple him.

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